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I arrive at her house. I'm search for her , I see her mom look at me. She welcomes me into her house and gives me a cup of tea.
"Here marcel " she gives me a blanket I was soaked with water from the rain and tears. I drank the tea and told her everything that happened in hope she would be able to help me.
Jiselles mom called my mom to let her know I was at their house. I take a shower and brush my teeth I was planning on spending the night because I wanted to see jiselle. Let her know how I felt and what happened. Tell her everything. I went downstairs after my shower to grab the blanket and crash on the couch. Until I see jiselle sitting on the couch watching TV.
The Simpson's, her favorite.
"Can I join ?" I ask softly.
She didn't even move. I sat next to her. She was quite and still. I began getting worried about her. She didn't even laugh at her favorite parts. I turn off the TV and grab her hand.
"Jiselle , please you know that I love you." I say as my voice breaks softly and tears begin to rise in the back of my throat.
She pulled away. "Yeah I wonder how many times you've changed the first word in the sentence. " she said. Jiselle got up and walked to her room.
That hit hard
That hit different. I grabbed a notebook.
I titled it
"I'm sorry"
I began writing down all my emotions on it and telling her everything that's ever happened all the memories. The trips
The time we stole a deadman's car.
The time we went to the beach
The time I asked her out
Our first kiss
The first time playing soccer together
When I first got her number and started texting her
The times she won me in 8ball no matter how many times I tried.
The time we would go out to Denny's at 3am because she had cravings.
I wrote about all of this and more the past year and a half. Almost 2 years together , we spent most of it in commas but we still spent it together.
Bu the time I knew it. It was 5am and I was out of pages. On the last I drew a picture of us together. I went to go and give it to her only to find her looking in a shoe box crying to herself. I slowly and quietly walk up to her.
I see the box
Filled with all my belongings. She turned around.
All I seen was the the broken girl that I had broke. The love of my life . Broken because of me.
It hurt. I pulled her up and hugged her. I put her on my back luckily she didn't fight it. The sun hasn't raised yet. I go to the corner and wait for an Uber to take up to the beach. We arrive.
Just in time for the sun rise. The car ride was silent. She remained silent the whole time.
We stood on the sand looking at the water touch her toes as the sun rose up on the reflection of it.
She had her black sweats rolled up and the bottom part of them wet. She picked up a chunk of sand and threw it into the water.
I broke her I did that.
Jiselle 's POV
I THREW THE SAND SO HARD. I let my tears come out. I can't believe she made me come out here. This just reminds me that I'm not gonna make it. I look at my ring that he gave me. It was in my pocket. Then I hear footsteps approach from behind me.
I immediately put it back in my pocket. I look at him. He points to the car in the lot.
I began walking over to the car. Sitting in the front so I don't have to talk to marcel.
I say the whole car ride playing with the ring.
After a hour passes we arrive back at my house and walk up to the doorway. I pull out the ring from my pocket. 

"Thank you but nothing is forever. Today has been my last day alive. I love you , you hurt me , but you showed me what it's like to be alive. Thank you for the gift of life." I say, I give him a soft kiss on the cheek then walk inside.
I grab my backpack and a banana. My mom comes running down the stairs and grabs the keys. Not even a whole 5 minute after marcel left so did we.
I played some soft music and began to cry. My mom slightly crying In drivers seat. We arrive at the hospital. The treatment begins.

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