7 million pieces (im running out of title ideas here)

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he looked me In the eye and knew what I felt, although he didn't.

he couldn't capture his heart drop to the bottom of my body, he couldn't feel my heart break into 7 million pieces because he would never know how much I loved him. how I opened up to him.

how I went along with life and pictured him by my side. I couldn't see my life without him.

but at this ,minute it hurt so bad to even open my eyes. I closed my eyes and felt my body beginning to collapse as I wanted to open them I couldn't , and didn't wanna believe my eyes. I didn't wanna believe that once I opened them that I would see the girl I would see her looking at marcel. I would see her half naked in marcels room on his bed the same way I would.

I imagined marcel holding her as he did to me, I imagined him kissing her the same way that when he kissed me

I felt like all was right in the world, he didn't kiss me like I was the sick girl he kissed me like I was the he looked me In the eye and knew what I felt, although he didn't.

he couldn't capture his heart drop to the bottom of my body, he couldn't feel my heart break into 7 million pieces because he would never know how much I loved him. how I opened up to him.

how I went along with life and pictured him by my side. I couldn't see my life without him.

but at this ,minute it hurt so bad to even open my eyes. I closed my eyes and felt my body beginning to collapse as I wanted to open them I couldn't , and didn't wanna believe my eyes. I didn't wanna believe that once I opened them that I would see the girl I would see her looking at marcel. I would see her half naked in marcels room on his bed the same way I would.

I imagined marcel holding her as he did to me, I imagined him kissing her the same way that when he kissed me

I felt like all was right in the world, he didn't kiss me like I was the sick girl he kissed me like I was the love of his life.

I believed it.

I really thought I would be the love of his life and that we would spend our days reading bedtime stories to our kids because I would make it through my cancer with his support. that we would live happily ever after in a house of our own with our kids one boy and two girls because the older brother should be there for them. everyone deserves support in there life no matter what form he would always say.

he was my support.

no he wasn't ly support because he was my everything.

he was the reason that I'm alive now and the reason that I had wanted to keep living because I wanted to picture my life with him because I love him.

I can't even say I loved him because I still haven't opened my eyes because I don't want everything i've ever lived for t be gone. to all be a lie, but nothing is what it seems right?

I learned this the hard way right now at this moment because I knew that the one person that was there with what I needed when I needed without asking cheated. I wasn't enough for him, so he had to find someone else. if I wasn't enough for someone who was like a best friend to me who was what I believe my soulmate.

who could I ever be enough?

love of his life.

I believed it.

I really thought I would be the love of his life and that we would spend our days reading bedtime stories to our kids because I would make it through my cancer with his support. that we would live happily ever after in a house of our own with our kids one boy and two girls because the older brother should be there for them. everyone deserves support in there life no matter what form he would always say.

he was my support.

no he wasn't ly support because he was my everything.

he was the reason that I'm alive now and the reason that I had wanted to keep living because I wanted to picture my life with him because I love him.

I can't even say I loved him because I still haven't opened my eyes because I don't want everything i've ever lived for t be gone. to all be a lie, but nothing is what it seems right?

I learned this the hard way right now at this moment because I knew that the one person that was there with what I needed when I needed without asking cheated. I wasn't enough for him, so he had to find someone else. if I wasn't enough for someone who was like a best friend to me who was what I believe my soulmate.

who could I ever be enough?

So i opened my eyes. I felt the tears I was holding back come pouring out of my eyes and he looked deeply into them. I saw his heart break, I know that at least one point of his life he cared and I watched that part of him break. I don't wanna know the full story. I stormed down stairs. I was wearing his sweater. I took it off quickly but struggled because I had so much rage in my body so many emotions I could cause a hurricane with them.

I threw the sweater on the couch. I seen marcel come down the stairs. He was crying.

" stop crying you have nothing to cry about" I yelled with anger.

" you don't understand." he said with his soft voice breaking.

I could hear him drowning in his own tears. That water in the back of his throat that always came when something was wrong. I heard it coming back. Although it's not my responsibility its hers now.

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