Art class

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I was going to art and marcel runs from behind me to check on me.

"Hey where you heading " he tells me still trying to catch him breathe. I have no idea how far he ran through. 

"I'm heading to art. How about you ?" I ask him looking up at him.

"The teacher is nice. " he stops walking. "Thanks " I look for my schedule. The room was room 17. Marcel and I were in front of it.

"So long see you in an hour" I wave good bye and go into the class.

"Hi I'm new to this class." I tell the tall older man at the front. I hand him my schedule and he gives me a seat nearby a girl with blue eyes and feckles.

"Hi I'm jiselle "I say. " hi I'm Sarah. Your new right. " she tells me. "Welcome " she says going back to her eye ball drawings.

I begin o draw a human face and listened to my oldies. I drew a couple of pictures of my neighborhood.

I lived in a nice neighborhood and I had a nice house with a nice pool. With a nice room. With a nice bed. And nice locks so nobody could come in.

The teacher was teaching Charcoal sketching. It was easy. It was just like a pencil. Just darker. And harder to erase.

I loved to draw then I looked up and seen well, my new crush. Actually check that , my second crush.

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