Stevens girl

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After a few hours that Steven had given me his number I had been texting him.

We have been texting for a while now. We grew very close. Just as friends. At least that's what I think.

I have to admit Steven was very hot. He had a very good smile. He had a great personality. He played sports. He didn't play soccer though.

He actually played baseball. But as me and Steven grew close me and marcel were even closer. I probably could be given a quiz on marcel and ace it.

He was sweet. He wasn't stubborn. He wasn't full of himself. Steven was a little full of himself. He actually loved himself a lot. He had a nice personality.

Like he wouldn't bully the kids in the movies. Although, they did have there own table in the cafeteria. Which was like the movies.

I mean me Jordan , Eva , josh , Eric , Anthony , and marcel had a table of our own. We all sat there everyday. Sometimes Eva's boyfriend sat with us. His name was Jeremy. He was very nice. He was very respectful of Eva.

They were a cute couple. Then the rest of us were single.

I think Jordan actually just started a relationship. So that just makes me and marcel the only single people.

That was until lunch was just like any other. I was eating a Cesar salad. Then Steven came behind me.

"Hey jiselle I wanted to ask you something." He said. The whole school was probably starring.

Including marcel.......

"Will you go out with me" he asked me while holding his football jock jacket and kinda handing me it.

It must have just been washed. So this was planned. Not just a dare.

"What is she gonna say " I heard people whispering around me.

"Ummmm.... Yeah sure " I said then everyone clapped. Then marcel came by. But he didn't say a thing to me.

Steven gave me his jacket now. He pulled me in for a hug and kissed the top of my head. I didn't completely have feelings for him. But I kinda did.

It's complicated because there is someone else.

Our love story ( Marcel Ruiz ) Where stories live. Discover now