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My mom and dad are very loving and supportive but my birthday I wanna be alone and nobody truly understands this.

This year is different because I have marcel. I just want a day like this for my birthday. Just eat cereal and go swimming. Have a good time.

I wanna run away this time though. Maby leave everything for a day. Then come back to hell.

"Jiselle" marcel says seriously. I notice tht with all these thoughts in my mind I have not given him a answer.

"Marcel do you know how to drive?" I cut him off. "Yeah my dad showed me once or twice. Why do you want to go somewhere." He says with a million questions flooding his innocent mind.

"For my birthday let go somewhere. Let's drive somewhere far and nice and escape." I say to him sounding like a total lunatic.

"Alright let's do it." When do you wanna leave." He asks. "The night before my birthday." I say

"When do you wanna come back" he also asks. This was a more important subject. One I had not planned

I had nothing planned but I could plan it. I had so much money that my grandma left me. I was fine financially.

But what and how long will I stay before something happens. Should I ever come back.

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