The start

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      > i have started Kemo about 3 weeks ago. My hair is gone, no more braiding my hair when I'm bored. I cant even wear a headband because there is no more hair for it to hold back. Its really hard on me , and my self esteem. Jordan and Eva have come and visit me. Although, the visit become less and shorter overtime, and less of them.

Marcel is awake but they say there release him tonight who knew running away would cause so much. The cancer was already here it was just not showing and i had not been to the doctors in quite a while. They say the caught it early so living chances are higher. The death rate is high to. I cant be sad nor happy. I hear a knock and see marcels mom. Im scared my first thoughts are she must hate me. She sits next to the hospital bed, the rolling chair. "Marcel is outside, and wants to see you" she says holding my hand. Maria takes a deep breath. "Come in babe" she says softly , then gives me a smile.

I look up and see him and immediately have flashbacks from the past. I see his facial expression change from happy to upset, confused, and finally sad. Marcel begins to walk closer.

*Maria leave*

Marcel sits in marias previous seat. Hold my hand and kisses it. "Marcel are you okay" i say softly holding his hand. "Marcel , is everything okay. Whats going on" i say getting louder each sentence.

" when did it start." He says with a breaking in his voice. I can hear the tears in his voice and see tears begin to stream down his soft cheeks. I wipe a tear with my soft hand. I want to start my crying but i have convinced myself to remain strong.

" it was already here , nobody had an idea. The doctor to a few scans after the bombing and my blood and heart rate scared him. He began looking into it, then confirmed it." I can hear my voice breaking as a say it aloud and it hits me. He looks up and sees my face then kisses my forehead. "Im not leaving." He says with tears down my face. I begin to cry to myself. He kisses my forehead once more. "I'll be back".

Hey guys im going to be turning this into a sequel. So make sure to stay tuned

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