Cant turn back the hands of time

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Can't turn back the hands of time. That was the precept that my English teach gave the class.

I was really thinking about that. I was thinking about that when I seen Steven making out with some girl.

Marcel had also seen. I turned back. My eyes watering. Jordan came running after me. But before Jordan reached me.

Marcel did. He held me with a strong hug. Because he is so much taller. His chin Laid on my head.

"It's okay" he whispered in my ear. He pulled me back and seen the mascara dripping from my face. Jordan and Eva were there now. They didn't tell marcel a thing.

They just walked over to Steven. I was unaware of why they told him. I really didn't care. Marcel held me in his grip. Then the bell rang. "It's okay it will be fine. I'll tell them you had a problem. I'm right here. And I'm sorry for being mad at you. "

He pulled away and said to me. "It's probly because I just wanted you all to myself". He looked Down in a bit of embarrassment. He cheeks grew pink.

I began to wipe the tears. Then his soft hands helped me. He wiped a tear I smiled. He out and arm around me and we walked.

I went into the nurses office and seen Steven. He had an ice pack on his eye. It was swollen. Marcel was about to tell him something. But I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to me.

I sat in the waiting area. Marcel was sighing me in. As I waited I seen the principle walk in.

"Steven what are you doing here" she said to him loudly. "A girl punched me and hurt me eye." He said then removed the ice pack from his face.

It was swollen then marcel broke out laughing whd he seen him. I looked down trying not to laugh." What are you laughing at " Steven said standing up. "You to be exact" I say standing up straight.

He looks at me. Then doesn't say a word. "Exactly you won't do a thing." I say and walk away. "Oh and I'm burning your jacket " I say walking out of the office. Marcel followed me.

"Nobody is gonna change you" marcel told me. Then we walked away from the office. But we didn't go back to class. We went out of school.

And we didn't know where we were gonna go hit we were heading somewhere

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