Dating Barry Allen Would Include . . .

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+ Meeting him at the police station during a case as a guest criminal psychologist and him instantly flirting with you and eventually getting a date after a few thousand tries. 

+ Him being late for almost everything, but always managing to make it up somehow. 

+ Speed dating taken to a new extreme. 

+ Him telling you all about the League and gossip about other Leaguers. 

+ Late nights with a lot of take out. 

+ Barry is a cuddler. 

+ Barry liking to put his head in the nook of your neck. 

+ Barry getting nervous around you and talking super fast. 

+ Barry bragging about you to the League. 

+ You making Barry laugh by doing a spot-one Batman impression. 

+ You and Hal making Barry jealous by pretending to flirt. 

+ Barry pulling pranks on you. 

+ Barry being a pouter. 

+ Whenever he makes you made, you give him and silent treatment and he'll do almost anything to get you to talk to him. 

+ Super-speed piggyback rides!!!

+ You hanging out with the Justice League like it's no biggie. 

+ You getting saved by Barry and he flirts with you as the Flash and it makes the news. Then Barry acts jealous of himself. 

+ You teasing him about him being slow compared to Superman. 

+ Him speed kissing you and gone before you can yell at him. 

+ Chores get done very fast and if you act angry, it's like you have your own personal speedy servant. 

+ You and Wally being best friends. 

+ Being best friends with Iris West. 

+ Speed eating contests (but you always losing). 

+ Barry tackling you onto the couch and not letting go until you admit how much you adore him. 

+ Barry getting very angry when you are kidnapped by villains. 

+ You comforting Barry after something goes wrong in his hero-work. 

+ You and Barry getting a dog. 

+ Barry accusing you of loving the dog more than him (which you do).

+ Movie nights that last a lot longer than one night. 

+ Barry sorry that he doesn't spend more time with you. 

+ Barry being a complete idiot half the time and the other half a needy puppy. 

+ You probably die by some villain and Barry is really broken up about it. Writers are cruel. 

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