[Chapter Seventeen] Addie

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        Sometimes walking away is the only option
       Not because you want to make someone miss you
                     Or realize they took you for granted
            But because you finally respect yourself enough
                              To know that you deserve better.

Chapter Seventeen – Addie

Maybe I should have told him the truth, told him about the first time he smacked my head into a wall; it was the first concussion, the first appearance of the knife, the first time he brought his friends over, the first time they r aped me and the first time I realized he was a monster.

It's strange how you don't see it at the time but I look back on my life and can tell you exactly where things went wrong.

He hit me, no man should ever put his hands on you like that, if they do, they're always going to be sorry but it's never going to stop. I couldn't walk away but even if I could I wouldn't have at the time.

I diluted myself into thinking it was okay when we started sleeping together because he loved me and was going to marry me and at first glance I knew what it was but he made me believe that it wasn't, he made me think that it wasn't r ape but it was.

The first time he brought his friends home and cut me was the first time I knew at the time that things had gone incredibly wrong. I should have said no when he asked me to marry him, I should have just said no, ran away and never came back but I was too scared

Hell, I was scared now!

I knew that this trial wasn't going to be easy, Nathan has already started telling me I would need to remain calm but Than was just another story.

He was my weakness and he knew it. He was going to use it against me and I know that I would see him or at least hear from him before the trial started. He didn't give a damn about the rules or laws; he did what he pleased and that's what worried me the most.

Was he going to finish what he started and kill me?

I wouldn't put it past him for exposing everything.

"What's on your mind?" Liam asked me

"Nothing I want to talk about." I half lied, I would love for thins to be different and to be able to confide in him but I just couldn't. I couldn't get the image of him and that girl out of my head and I was stupid for asking him to kiss me but I was trying to enjoy all the moments I could before my life went to hell.

"Okay." He didn't push it and we didn't talk much after that, we just laid there for hours in near silence until we fell asleep again.

It was still down pouring when I woke up the next morning and Liam was still asleep. I know we had to talk about last night but I didn't know what to say.

It didn't change anything. It didn't change how he treated me for weeks, It didn't change the games he played and it didn't change that he had that girl shirtless last night.

I know we aren't together but that hurt me and he knew that.

I looked up at him sleeping and closed my eyes to try to get some more sleep before I had to face whatever today would bring because I knew it was going to hurt. I woke up again when I heard yelling and I groaned when I opened my eyes and saw his mom standing there.

Liam was waking up too and when he looked at me and then her and yanked the covers back up to cover me.

"I can't believe this." she said and walked out of the room and you heard the door slam.

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