-[Chapter Twenty-Five] Addie-

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       "Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls;
            the most massive characters are seared with scars."

                                                Kahlil Gibran

Chapter Twenty-Five - Addie

Liam left for work and I put my head in my hands and sighed, I knew I needed to know but now that I knew it just made me feel worse. I know I told him to leave but I just wished he could be back here so he could hold me and I could cry.

"Are you okay?" Auntie asked and I didn't even move my head up I just shook my head

"It's going to be okay sweetheart. It will be over soon." She rubbed my back and I looked over at her

"Will it?" I asked her

"We can hope." She said honestly and I really was hoping things would work on but I don't know. Did I make the wrong move? Did I have enough evidence? Would it ever be enough?

The nights before the trial were the worst; I spent my days with Nathan prepping and my nights afraid to sleep even with him there. I had very dark circles under my eyes and it almost looked like I had black eyes.

I struggled to eat and they tried but didn't force it, they understood that I just wasn't feeling like doing anything. I was miserable and not sure how I would react to seeing him, which was the worst part.

My parents would be there every day and I would have to face all five of them again. Nathan assured me he would be right by my side and would be there to support me through it but what if it wasn't enough? What if I messed up and they went free?

Liam held my hand and my family walked in with me the first day of the trial and they led me into another room and my family had to go into the court room and for a little bit I was alone. Nathan went over things with me again and certain points they would cross examine me on and I felt dizzy which lead me to bolt to the nearest bathroom to throw up.

He put a hand on my back and told me to breathe and then gave my my purse with my tooth brush in it and some privacy to pull myself together.

I looked in the mirror at myself and wanted to smash it. I was pathetic.

My red hair was brushed and pinned back from my face, my blue eyes weren't bright but dull, tired and lifeless and the makeup could only do so much about the bags and shadows under my eyes.

I was dressed in a nice dress my grandparents had bought me that went to my knee; it was modest and pretty and it seemed appropriate for court.

They were going to be watching me, they were going to say I had been sleeping around and my appearance would be criticized as part of their story.

They were going to tell me I had made it all up or that I had cut myself. They would say Than was nowhere near me the two times he almost killed me and they would say I cheated on my doting fiancé when I went to visit my aunt and uncle for the summer.

Nathan already prepped me on some of the things they would say and how to handle them calmly. I had to keep my emotions in check and I wasn't so sure I wouldn't run out of the room to throw up again at this point.

Of course we didn't know everything they would say or ask but I was hoping that Nathan had helped me with enough of it that I would at least be semi prepared for anything.

This was officially happening, any minute they would bring me in there and it would all start, I would have to tell my story to a room of complete strangers and just pray that they would believe me and won't be swayed by Than's charming demeanor as I was at first.

My parents would be good at their job but then again there was a reason they needed me with Than, they were great but Nathan was better.

We waited and then it was finally time to go in.

"No matter the outcome here be proud of this Addison, it's the first step in getting your life back." he told me and I nodded

"I know, I just hope this isn't all going to be for nothing." I spoke before we walked into the already crowded room and Liam and the rest of my family tried to give me reassuring smiles before I sat down in front with Nathan.

Next the other five came in and sat beside us, Than smirking at me and my heart beat hard against my chest in fear

"Don't let him have that power over you, he's trying to get to you but show him you're stronger than that. Turn towards the front and don't look at him." he told me and I saw him look at his son in disgust and Than glared at him in anger and then I looked up front while the judge and jury came in.

Nathan grabbed my hand for support and I squeezed the life out of his as they opened this all up but I wasn't really listening because I could feel his eyes burning into me but I refused to look because he fed off of my fear.

I vowed that while in court, while in front of him there would be no more fear. It was time to be a big girl now and put a stop to this. It was my life, my choices and my future.

Short i know but let the trial begin.

Look, i know it's not going to be perfect but i've been trying to research about trials and so if anyone can KINDLY point out any mistakes i made about them i'll try to fix it.

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