Ending Authors Note

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So i was going to do a really long book for this one and make it the last but as i talked more about it with my boyfriend (the one who asks for updates the most :)) and i thought about it, this title served it's purpose and was alreadywhat, forty-four chapters? it didn't need to be ninety-three.

so i'm ending this one here because she's home, she spoke up, she won and that part of her life is done, it's time to move on and so the next book will be FREEDOM IN WORDS

trying to stay with the same theme, secrets and words :)

I don't know when i'l be starting it but rest asure you're not going to have ti wait a year or anything, i just need a couple months to just think it through and start it with a clear head.

i feel bad because if i wouldn't have decided this months ago then i wouldn't have made you guys wait two months (which i feel horrible about) for only two more updates because i personally hate when people do that but i wasn't oringially ending it here, so sorry.

i hope you guys are still here when it goes up.

So right now, i have to finish At Your Service, it's my number one and then i'll go back to try to finish Dominating Love. Hopeing to start Life After Rehab in the next few weeks, sorry about that wait too guys. 

thank you all for being patient with me and reading, it means the world to me and i'm so glad some of you love Addie and Liam like i do. i hope you enjoyed the chapter with her friends and just thank you.

Love, Chellsey.

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