Takodana, Part 1

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"The time has come, execute Order 66..." Sidious's hologram ordered to Commander Trio. Trio nodded without a breath, and turned to the nine Jedi ahead, performing sparing practice under a large tree. Commander Trio approached the group, three other Clone troopers behind him. 

Tar was shouting orders again, complaining about everybody's forms and stances from the last session. The other Jedi just sat there in annoyance, Tar was always a complaining Trandoshan, he was never in a "good-mood" you could say, so far at least.

He wielded a green Lightsaber, and had large nostrils, followed by a yellow scelra in each eye, and black, long pupils in each yellow eye. Unlike most of his kind, he had dark-green scales and oddly enough, black feathers sprouting out of the back of his head like hair, following two long-stretching horns with it, and Tar wore brown and black robes. 

Rolling her eyes was Spasa, a female Zabrak who wielded a purple Lightsaber, and had long, black hair, six-horns sprouting out the top of her head through her hair, and purple-skin with black tattoos on her face like most of her kin, and she wore black robes, oddly enough for a Jedi. She also had blue eyes. Sitting to the left of Tar was Viok, a humorous Jedi Knight who was a Human, brown hair, light skin, brown eyes, brown robes, and a blue Lightsaber.

The other Jedi Knight, we'll save for later.

Commander Trio stopped in front of the Jedi. "Be glad we are not in the battlefield as of now, a mistake like that will get you KILLED in a real battle Tian!" Tar barked. 

"And you shouting orders like that will get us ALL killed," Lassin shouted back: "You act like we're new to this war chaos. We are not Padawans anymore, it's time you stop treating us as one."

"YOU NEED TO SILENCE YOURSELF BEFO-" Tar realized that his anger was starting to get the best of him, realizing that he was coming dangerously close to igniting his Lightsaber. He stopped and sighed in guilt. 

"I-I apologize, I know I can take this too seriously sometimes, but I care about each and every one of you. I wish I could say that our troubles are over, but as long as the Separatist live, our problems are far from over. If you can't fight properly on the battlefront, you could die, and that's the last thing I want..." Tar explained as he gripped his Lightsaber.

Lassin stared at Tar. "Yeah, I apologize too, I guess we both took things too far." Lassin admitted. "But still, none of us can fight with just our anger, what would've Master Trebor thought if he saw you this way...?" Lassin questioned.

Tar sighed. "H-he would've been disappointed, and he'd have every right to be. Sometimes I wonder if the galaxy had a different path for me to start with..." Tar said as he looked upwards to gaze at the stars. Night was taking over, and fast.

"We'd better get some rest..." Lassin stated. The Jedi headed back to the camp and prepared for bed.

The Clone troopers raised their blasters at the Jedi Knight, but Trio stopped them before they could.

"No, we can't attack them right away, they have the numbers on their side, and it's too risky. Wait for them to fall asleep, and then we strike, one-by-one..." Trio whispered as the Clones nodded in agreement, walking back to the camp, and leaning against some of the trees, waiting patiently as they readied their arsenal.

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