The Empire's Debut

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The Jedi-Crew (except for Waix, who was still recovering in bed) kept monitoring the Stopper as Tian flew them to Takodana, the Jedi wandering back-and-forth from the Turbo lasers to the main-cockpit. Everything appeared normal for that time, until the Jedi received a transmission from the Stopper's holo-disk in the main-cockpit.

The entire crew rushed to where Tian was still steering the ship, and a hologram of a strange-looking logo appeared, followed by a new voice: The logo appeared to be nothing the Jedi have ever seen before, and it had a small circle in the middle of it, surrounded by short shapes sticking out the end like a pair of Zabrak Horns. The outside was surrounded by an even-larger circle with a circular wall, with a few small bricks sticking out of it as well. It was hard to describe in words, but you had to see it for yourself to get a true understanding. While the holographic logo was up, the voice spoke the words of the following:

"As you all know, a month has progressed since the Clone Wars finally came to an end, and the once-heroes of our Grand Republic have committed high treason against our authority, and many of our brave soldiers have had their lives lost trying to serve and fight back..." Claimed the voice. 

Tar snorted resentfully, although some didn't, the Jedi knew for sure that that was an obvious lie. 

"However, in honor of the soldiers who fought to save our authority of the galaxy have been re-assigned after this momentous occasion, to a new grand army who shall serve, protect, and restore the order that the Clankers, and the Jedi Order have taken from us. Presenting the all new army that serves the galaxy with an iron-fist of order and power: The Galactic Empire."

Yara gasped, and the Jedi looked just as surprised.

Apparently, during the Jedi's entire month spent at Vendaxa, the Galactic Republic has been transformed into another faction, now known as the "Galactic Empire." The voice from the hologram kept speaking:

"The Galactic Empire was made in honor of our triumph against the treason of the Jedi Order, and in honor of our new Emperor, who has stepped-up to protect our Troopers when it was needed the most, the new Emperor of the Galactic Empire. As we start off, we will continue to progress through our triumph and order, hiring and enlisting new Pilots, Stormtroopers, Officers, and a variety of branches shall be open for hire."

"Stormtroopers?" Lepaik asked, curious about the new threat.

The hologram then switched to a group of these apparent: "Stormtroopers" marching forward, their E-11 Blasters held in a perfect-manner, their armor white and stark-black, they resembled the Clone troopers in a way, though, they felt far different.

Spasa's eyes then widened. She remembered these Stormtroopers from her previous vision she had about a month ago, the ones who were examining Tar while he was frozen in carbonite within that vision of hers.

"That concludes or message..." The voice from the hologram said. "And remember, if you encounter any surviving Jedi, act immediately, and contact our new, loyal Em-" Tar Forn cut off the hologram, and grunted. (Back at Vendaxa, Viok had told Waix, Spasa, and Tian about Chancellor Palpatine being Darth Sidious, and how he was responsible for Order 66). 

"Well, I think we all know who got promoted to the 'Emperor...'" Viok announced pessimistically. 

"Palpatine, that Son of a Bantha..." Tar exclaimed resentfully, he was still riled-up about the Clones following-along with Order 66, despite how much the Jedi have been through, standing by the Clone trooper's side, though, it was clearly not destined to last for either side at this point.

Tian sighed, and kept piloting the Stopper. The Jedi-Crew stood there, talking among themselves about what had just happened, and discussed this new "Galactic Empire." Once again, Spasa had kept silent. 

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