The Vision

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The Jedi-Crew headed-back to the Stopper, heading up the ramp as Tian opened it with a device on his wrist. Waix, Spasa, and Tian immediately grabbed their Lightsabers once aboard, and Tian headed up to the pilot-seat at the main-cockpit, closing the ramp before operating the controls. As Tian flew the Stopper out of Coruscant's orbit and into the cold vacuum of space, Spasa staggered to the bunk-beds, tired out of belief. Spasa crawled into a bed, and lay there as sleep took her prisoner.

What felt like what was about to be a long, drifting slumber was confronted with a rude awakening as Spasa got up, panting. Spasa panted, and then let out a deep-sigh. However, that's when Spasa realized something: She wasn't in the Stopper. Instead, she was in a empty-void of darkness, with grey mist flowing in the air majestically, with no ground, yet, she wasn't falling into oblivion.

She looked around, confused. A-am I awake, or still sleep? Spasa thought to herself as she felt dumbstruck. She then heard a rattling noise to her left, and she instantly-turned around to face it.

Nothing, just pure darkness as always. Spasa let out a deep sigh, and she turned around to only have the living daylights scared out of her as she fell back, crawling backwards as she was face-to-face with Tar Forn, who was frozen in carbonite. Tar's carbonite statue was large, a serious-look on Tar's Trandoshan-Face, his nostrils snorting as if that's what he did exactly at the moment he was frozen.

"O-oh no..." Spasa said to herself. "T-tar Forn, w-w-wh-" All of a sudden, Spasa blinked just to notice that they were now surrounded by, what appeared to be Clone troopers, but, much-different armor, that looked similar to Clone trooper armor, but at the same-time, much different. It was white, and there were black-markings on the front of the helmet resembling a mouth and eyes, and what-appeared to be black-cloth underneath the white-plates that made-up the armor, and each one of them was holding an E-11 Blaster-Rifle. Spasa was puzzled in confusion as she slowly begin to get back to her feet. She stared at the large-crowd of Troopers as they examined Tar's frozen-in-carbonite-body meticulously. The Troopers approached it, and stared at it.

"So, a Trandoshan Jedi huh?" One of the Troopers said. "I don't believe this..." Said the same Trooper.

"But I do, something told-me that out of all the Jedi who perished, at least a few had to survive, apparently, we managed to capture one of them." Said another. "Our Empire never ceases to amaze me." Empire...? Thought Spasa.

"A Trandoshan Jedi though, it never seemed like Trandoshans longed to become a Jedi. I assume that this one managed to get taken in by somebody of, different morals from that of Trandosha." Replied the first Trooper.

"However, I'm kind of curious to why Vader sent this lizard to that Inquisitor instead of having him executed, however, I guess having a captured Jedi Knight on your walls is a valuable reward of self-improvement. If I ever killed or capture a Jedi, a reminder could go a long way you know." The second Trooper responded.

"Hmm, seems like there could of been a discrepancy, however, I think we'd better return to our post before Lord Vader goes nuts again..." 

Lord Vader...? Wondered Spasa. A-another Sith?

"Agreed." Said the first Trooper as the group of Troopers departed from each other, walking into the dark void ahead, vanishing.

Apparently, the Troopers didn't notice Spasa at all, and she didn't feel that she had enough time to process what she had just saw. She then approached Tar's frozen statue, and placed her right on Tar's face. "I-I hope this isn't your fate, Tar..." Spasa said.

Then, all of a sudden, a blue light shone onto Tar's statue, and then, the blue-light begin to fade, and a equal balance of darkness combating the blue, until Tar's entire statue almost blended into the darkness residing behind it.

Right when Tar's statue was dragged into the darkness. Spasa could've sworn that she saw Tar's statue move into a grin right when it was dragged, however, she was already in a Lucid Dream of some sort, she couldn't tell what was happening to her exactly. Then, this apparent "Vision" that Spasa was having started to speed up, and she knew it. Spasa started to float-into the air, darkness shrouded around this pocket dimension she was sleeping in apparently.

Then, Spasa felt the need to shut her eyes, in which she did. She then opened to them, and saw a whole, quick flash of different things. She saw many things, only a few that she managed to make out. In one flash, she saw herself wandering a planet of a strange-biome: Flat, white ground, in which in every step she took, she left a red footprint into the ground, which looked like red sand, and in the distance, large, high mountains.

In another image, she saw herself hanging upside down from what looked like a tree, staring forward into a lush plain, Lepaik dashing forward, fending off some sort of beast with his Lightsaber. Spasa had trouble recalling its features, however, one thing she could tell was that it was green, and had many legs, and was charging at Lepaik in a vicious, unforgiving matter, roaring at the top of its lungs.

Spasa saw many more things within that vision, including the following:

A cat-like humanoid of some sort, tightly gripping a blaster-rifle as she (it appeared like a she) asked them to follow her, and Spasa couldn't tell her height either. They also appeared to be in either a base, or a ship.

Awakening in a large castle, grass and trees outside as fireflies strummed through the air peacefully, their thoraxes glowing green as she got out of a bed, noticing Tar and another lady with a Lightsaber hilt on her belt talking outside of the room and laughing as Viok patted Tar on the back. Here, she felt a comforting sensation.

Her, Tar, and Tian escaping into a familiar ship after what looked like an intense chase, Tian frantically closing the ramp as he flew the ship off a landing platform connected to a bridge, a strange figure leaping out of nowhere on top of the bridge and glaring at them as their ship took off towards the sky. Oddly enough, in this part of the vision, when the ship had taken off, she felt the same comforting sensation as before.

Another thing she saw was noticing Tar being shoved forward by a group of armored men and women, forcing Tar and another lady in front of what looked like a volcano as she caught a glimpse of a beast larger than anything she's ever saw before emerge from the lava to stare at the lady and Tar Forn, horrified looks upon both of their faces.

Spasa could also spot and remember countless more images before the end of the vision. During that vision, she also had many flashbacks: The blood curdling screams of Padawans as General Grievous rushed into their room while they were in hiding, Grievous's Lightsabers spinning like a razor as the sounds of a shredding scorch could be heard as Spasa escaped.

If it wasn't for her master, she couldn't of made it out alive that day. She also had a flashback of a training session with Grand Master Yoda, and another time of when she first met Tar Forn when they were both children, 10-years-old at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

She had many more flashbacks of different events from her experiences during the Clone Wars, and during her childhood: Happier times before she ever got involved in any of this nonsense. However, one last vision she saw in that vision, was a man wearing a black suit, black helmet, and black cape tightly gripping an ignited Lightsaber as he was in a lock with a Jedi, one that Spasa could not identify due to the blurriness of this part of the vision. 

Spasa couldn't tell if the Jedi were male or female, or what species they were, but all she could tell was hearing a distorted scream come from their mouth as the man in the suit overpowered them with his Lightsaber, the Jedi screaming in agony as they felt their spine began to bend due to the strength of the man in the suit, who didn't release the lock with any knowledge of mercy.

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