Coruscant, Part 1

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The Stopper exited Hyperspace as it flew straight into the orbit of the planet of Coruscant. As the Stopper flew into the orbit, a large squadron of Clone Troopers appeared to be guarding, and scouting through the Jedi Temple. 

"That's a lot of Clones..." Lepaik stated. "We're not going to make it pass them alive, not by charging straight forward that is, you'd better have a plan, Tar Forn." Tar sighed and then snorted.

"The Stopper better have a Stealth-Drive, of any type..." Tar prayed.

"Actually, it does, however, we're going to have to land somewhere, subtle..." Tian replied.

"We're going to have to be subtle Fish-Head."

"I-I'd prefer it better if you refrain from calling me that."

"So be it then." Tar finished.

Tian looked out the window for a while as Spasa and Waix rushed to main-cockpit where everybody was seated-or-standing around Tian as he piloted the Time-Stopper. Tian then noticed a small, abandoned alleyway, a suspicious-looking alleyway, looking like somewhere where somebody would wander off to and get kidnapped on this planet. As "unwelcoming" as it appeared, it seemed like the only place where the Stopper could remain well-hidden from Clone troopers.

We'll have to take what we can get at this point... Tian thought carefully as he turned on the Stealth Drive, which cloaked the entire exterior of the Time-Stopper, making it invisible almost as it landed in the alleyway. Once Tian landed the ship, he flipped a switch, and opened the ramp for the Jedi-Crew to exit the ship on.

Tar Forn, Yara Gates, Viok Stones, and Lepaik Zoak exited the Stopper from walking-down the ramp, while Tian Yol Reef, Waix Brikens, and Spasa Kain agreed to stay on the Time-Stopper, and keep-guard in case any of them got caught, a failsafe they had. Tar, Yara, Viok, and Lepaik sneaked to the front of the Jedi Temple, and hid behind a tall statue.

Oddly enough, the Clone troopers weren't rounding up any Jedi, they just appeared to be, guarding. It felt strange, however, the Jedi-Crew dismissed it, and hoped for the best, which wasn't what they were about to get inside that Temple. Tar lead the way, guiding Yara, Viok, and Lepaik through the area as they slowly made  their way to the entrance of the Jedi Temple.

None of this felt right, the Clones were barely guarding the Temple, their performance here felt lackluster, as if they had nothing to worry about on the insides of the temple for some reason. As if all they were doing here today was just a perimeter-sweep. 

They had no heavy-guard, restrictions, not even droids. It felt too easy, something was up, and the Crew was about to find out for themselves. Tar lead the others into the door with ease, and it was locked apparently, at least the Clone troopers had one attempt at preventing intruders from breaking into the Jedi Temple. In a split second, Tar simply used the force to pry the locked door easy with a single swipe of his right clawed-hand.

The Crew rushed down the halls and made their way to the Main Dormitory, the hallways of the Temple felt severely empty, until they made their way to the Main Dormitory. As desolate as it appeared, what they saw in that room appeared far more terrifying than any Bounty Hunter that would be sent their way. Horrified looks stained the faces of Tar, Yara, Viok, and Lepaik as if they were paintings as they stared at the ground, eyeing the horrific they saw before them. They couldn't believe it. Dead bodies of Jedi of all types littered the ground everywhere, scorched blaster-fire marks stained almost every body on the ground. This, was the Clone's doing.

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