Vendaxa, Part 2

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A few hours had passed, and it was almost nightfall, the sun-setting on Vendaxa. The Jedi-Crew was growing suspicious on the whereabouts of Waix, who had wandered into the plains to hunt for their meal, but had mysteriously vanished.

"I'm starting to run out of ideas guys, where could've that nosy Rodian gotten himself into this time?" Viok spoke in frustration. 

"W-we don't know either Viok, I think we should all go to look for him." Lepaik suggested.

"Leaving him to die is not the Jedi-way, Jedi are not cowards." Lepaik finished. The Jedi-Crew stood at their camp, talking-among themselves about where on Vendaxa could've Waix gone, for he was normally back around three hours ago.

"We can't jump to conclusions, one of our Crew has vanished, and how can we call ourselves 'Jedi Knights' if we don't go to AT LEAST attempt to rescue our friend." Yara spoke.

Spasa sighed, and felt worried-sick about Waix. Like Quiol and Tar Forn, Spasa had known Waix for a while, and she couldn't imagine how she'd react if they lost Waix too. Then, a loud, blood-curdling scream that sounded like Waix's could be heard from the distance startling all of the Jedi-Crew except for Tar Forn. 

"That sounded like Waix alright..." Lepaik said. 

"We have to get moving, COME ON!" Tar shouted as he rushed forward to where the scream-came-from, the Jedi-Crew rushing after him.

The Jedi-Crew rushed through the plains of Vendaxa until they reached the same forest-lake that Waix had entered and gotten himself captured at. The Jedi-Crew ran forward until they heard skidding footsteps that were quick, but heavy at the same time as they came-closer. The Jedi-Crew rushed behind a tree, and peaked behind a corner, to see Waix, hanging-upside down from a tree, being feasted on by a giant, Praying Mantis-like beast.

"Blast! An Acklay..." Tian exclaimed to the others. 

"Doesn't matter, we're going to save him.." Tar said as the Jedi-Crew leaped out of cover, each of them igniting their Lightsabers, getting the Acklay's attention.

The Acklay stopped its feasting on Waix, who was balancing in between life, and an untimely death. The Acklay turned to the Jedi-Crew, and unleashed a blood-curdling roar as it charged at the Jedi-Crew, ready to feast on their bones if it could take them down. 

The Acklay first swung its claws at the entire Jedi-Crew, who instantly dodged out of the Acklay's claw-swipe before it could strike them. Then Spasa rushed forward with her purple Lightsaber, prepared to strike the first-blow on the vicious beast. Spasa swung her Lightsaber at its thorax, causing the beast to roar in pain as it was stunned.

Spasa then leaped on its back, and struggled to stay on its back, as the beast swung its entire body back-and-forth, knocking Yara into a tree "accidentally." Spasa then prepared to impale the Acklay's neck with her Lightsaber, right when the beast managed to grab her, and it roared in her face as Tar rushed forward, and swung his Lightsaber at its eyes.

This gave a heavy blow to the crazy beast, blinding it for a small duration as it dropped Spasa, who was shaking on the ground, struggling to get up. Tian then leaped on a tree, and used the force to bounce off of it, and attempted to slice off the Acklay's head with his yellow Lightsaber, however, this failed as the Acklay rushed to the right, Tian accidentally striking a Lemnai who was trying to escape the violence of the battle.

Then, Lepaik and Tar Forn dashed forward in attempt to strike the Acklay's many eyes once again, and this succeeded, blinding the Acklay for another small duration. The Acklay then staggered, and Lepaik leaped into the air, just to get smacked into a tree by the Acklay's left claw.

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