Prisoners aboard the Rhinoceros

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Yara awoke to a loud thud, springing up to only get dragged down by an unknown force. Yara fell back to the ground, and looked at her wrist, just to see that they were chained in shackles connected to a railing on the wall. She then looked around, for the area around her felt like a dark void, the Rhinoceros's darkness beckoning to her. Yara panted heavily, and then tried to break the chains, but this attempt clearly failed, and the chains rattled in laughter. 

"Worth a shot..." Yara murmured under her breath, even though nobody seemed to hear her but herself. 

Yara then looked forward, where the only light source was located at: It was Jacker Trex, driving within his main-cockpit, apparently, steering them to a planet called: Mustafar.

Jacker's helmet was off, and laid down next to him on the control-panel. Jacker had black hair in the normal Mandalorian hairstyle, similar to Jango Fett's. It was perfectly clear at this point, that Jacker clearly was inspired to be like Jango, and after Jango was killed at Geonosis, Jacker must've been here: His body above the ground, and his arms stretched out as he jumped back-and-forth, screaming something along the lines of: "JANGO'S DEAD, I CAN FINALLY TAKE HIS PLACE!" or something like that. Though, even though Jacker was around the Jedi-Crew's age around this time (26-years-old), you had to admit, he operated well.

Jacker then flipped a switch, and a dim-light shined where Yara was held prisoner. Yara immediately opened her eyes as wide as a moon, and sat still, pretending to still be unconscious. 

Jacker turned to look at the Jedi, and then grunted, and turned his back on them, and kept piloting the Rhinoceros. 

Yara then cut the act, and eyed the area around her with immense curiosity. Jacker had forgot to cut out the dim-light after he finished checking, allowing Yara to turn to the direct-left of her, just to spot Tar Forn, who was staring directly at her while also chained to the wall.

Yara jumped in fear, but then realized that Tar Forn was also still unconscious, but despite of this, his eyes were wide-opened. Oddly enough, this was also how Spasa slept, so the Zabrak and Trandoshan had at least something in common you could say. 

"Hey Y-Yara, you're finally awake, huh?" Waix's voice said across from her. 

"Waix? I-I thought you were-"

"Nope, I think my wounds have recovered by now. Keep in mind, that doesn't mean that I take any liking to those Acklay..." Waix explained.

"Yeah, I can see your point." Yara responded, a smile now spreading across her face, warm-and-friendly.

"I was hoping so, but I hope you know where we are."

"I do, the Rhinoceros, Jacker's taking us to Mustafar for an execution..." Yara let out a sigh. "This might be the last time any of us can see each-other again." Yara spoke, her smile beginning to fade from her face as it lowered into shrunken frown instead.

"We've lost a lot, but we can't let that hold us back Yara." Waix attempted to comfort. "Things can't end here unless we let them, and this was never how I wanted to go out." Waix sighed. "I wanted to die in battle, Yara..." Said Waix. "I wanted to die in honor, and in thought of how I died fighting for a cause important to me, not as a fugitive accused of treason, and executed at the spot. If we lose hope now, our ancestors will be shaking our heads to us Yara, just think about your father."

"I'm not a hero like he was..." Answered Yara, lowering her head.

"We're not dead yet, have a little hope. You normally look at the future with bright eyes, what happened to that Togruta I used to know lately, huh?"

"She died with my hope."

Waix let out a heavy breath, wondering what was happening to Yara. "Y-you're starting to sound dangerously like Spasa..." Waix warned.

"Then Spasa must've been right. I mean, come on, at least she was realistic about things. Although I always hoped for the best, I was starting to fear that I was giving away false hope to the others, and if that truly was the case, then that might've been where I had gone wrong Waix. If the force was testing me, I must've failed..."

"I-I know how that feels." Waix stammered. "B-but it's not your fault for Lassin and Quiol's death, Yara. It wasn't their fault either. It was Palpatine's, this whole time, he was using everybody as puppets. Living a double life of some sort. Grievous, Dooku, Jango, the Separatist, even the Clone Army of the Republic, all of them were simply another one of Palpatine's puppets. Heck, even we were apart of his scheme, since this whole time, all he must of wanted was power, and the destruction of the Jedi Order, and if we don't act, he could achi-"

"Shut-up back there!" Demanded Tesla. Waix turned to the Bounty Hunter to give him a resentful glare, but then gave up when he saw that Jacker didn't even notice. 

Yara let out another sigh. "I-I-I think you're onto something." Spoke Yara. 

"I hope I am. However, I wish I could say that I could, but I can't make any promises yet." Waix continued. "So if we truly are destined to die today Yara, although execution was never how I wanted to go, at least I'll die alongside by friends..." Completed Waix as the Rhinoceros soared into the orbit of Mustafar, a blood-curdling grin tearing through Jacker's sly face.

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