Coruscant, Part 2

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Tar Forn stared in blatant-rage at what he saw in the Dormitory, Lepaik paralyzed, Yara agonized, Viok shocked.

"T-they're monsters..." Tar spoke.

Yara looked like she was about to cry, however, she made sure to keep control of her emotions, unleashing them at a moment like that wasn't the Jedi-way. "W-we need to investigate, I know that what the Clones d-did here wasn't right, however, as much as I hate to admit it, we can't sit here and grieve." Lepaik announced. "There's n-nothing we can do for them now, a burial would take too much time for each of these Jedi, we must investigate before-"

"No. We can't just leave their bodies to rot in here." Tar intervened. "The Clones apparently didn't even bother to bury these Padawans, they didn't deserve this..."

"General Forn, I-I see your point. However, we need to focus at the task at hand, and figure out why the Clones even turned on us. If we find any survivors, we'll bring them with us, we must find out the evidence behind the Clone's new behaviors. It could've been a command of some sort, but from who? That's a crucial reason why we came here Tar, we can't give up when we've already come so far, we might as well finished what we began." Said Lepaik.

Tar sighed. "Y-you're right..." As much pain Tar felt, he remembered Grand Master Yoda's words: "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering, and suffering, leads to the darkside." A phrase Yoda said many times in front of the council, and during training.As a young Trandoshan, Tar Forn was never too mature, or wise either.

He had lots of emotion, lots of anger, the thirst to kill every-now-and-then, but his thirst to kill was never as bad as other Trandoshans out there. In fact, in comparison to other Trandoshans, you could say that Tar never even had a blood-lust at all, though, with scales instead of skin, horns, reptile eyes, a reptilian-appearance in general, and the blood of the Trandoshan species flowing through him, there was no doubt that he'd at least share one similarity with the rest of his kind.

Even though all he fought throughout the Clone Wars was mostly just Clankers: Disposable B1-Battle Droids, and less Disposable Droidekas and B2-Super Battle Droids, and a Magnaguard thrown in here-and-there. Besides his (less intense) blood-lust, he never used to understand Yoda's words. Sometimes, as a child, he assumed Yoda was crazy. However, as he progressed into adulthood, he begin learned the hard-way of Yoda's words. N-nevermind that... Tar thought to himself. I need to focus on the current task at hand...

"Listen..." Viok spoke to the Crew as they walked down the halls. "The Clones wouldn't have an entire database laying on a table saying: 'Why the Clones suddenly decided to murder the entire Jedi Order,' okay? We're going to have to get the information FROM a Clone trooper, do what we need to do to them to get them to talk." Viok suggested. "So, you insist on an interrogation?" Yara asked.

"Indeed, I agree with Viok. Perhaps a mind-trick could finish the operation at hand." Lepaik suggested.

"Mind-trick? That only works on the weak-minded. SOMETHING tells me that an entire Clone Legion that fought side-by-side with strong-minded Jedi Knight and Masters throughout an entire war are going to, you know, DROP the "weak-minded" thing, right?" Viok spoke. Viok turned to face the group. Tar then walked up to Viok, and opened his mouth, about to say something, right when he got interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps marching down the hall to their location. The Jedi-Crew immediately ran behind a few boxes ahead, and two Clone troopers ran from behind a corner, and stopped in confusion when it became dead silent.

"I heard something from down these halls." Stated a Clone trooper. "Check the area in case of any hiding Jedi, traitors of the Republic cannot be left alive." The Clone troopers held up their blasters, and began to pace the floor, searching the area. 

"Kill one. The other, leave them to me..." Tar Forn ordered. 

Then, all four Jedi leaped out of cover, and each Jedi ignited their Lightsabers, and charged forward. The two Clone troopers turned, and immediately opened fire when they saw the Jedi. Each Jedi deflected the blaster-bolts with ease. Then, Tar Forn rushed up, and force pushed a Clone trooper into the ceiling. Viok then leaped into the air, and sliced the Clone trooper clean-in half from the waist down on their way back down (no blood included), and Viok landed on his feet. The other Clone trooper opened fire, and Yara deflected each bolt with her Lightsaber, sending them into the hands of the Clone, making him drop his weapon.

Lepaik then dashed forward, and kneed the Clone in the guts, and slapped the back of the Clone's neck, knocking off the helmet of the Clone, and forcing the Clone onto his knees. The Jedi then kept their Lightsabers ignited, and surrounded the subdued Clone trooper. The Clone trooper looked up to come face-to-face with the Jedi, a resentful look in his eyes. Tar pointed his Lightsaber at the Clone's neck, ready to separate it from his body at any given moment if needed. "Tell us everything you know about your betrayal to the Jedi Order." Tar asked forcibly. "This is not a request, we compel you to tell us at once."

"T-that information is classified, Trandoshan." The Clone spat back.

Tar began to speak: "If you don't spill the beans, I'll spill your-"

"Enough Tar.." Lepaik intervened. "I hope you can trust me on this..." Lepaik turned back to the Clone trooper. Lepaik then waved his right hand into the air as he spoke to the Clone. "You will tell us everything you know about your assault on the Jedi Order..."

"I-I-I...I will tell you everything I know about our assault o-on the Jedi Order..." The Clone trooper responded.

"Begin." Lepaik demanded, while waving his right-hand in the air once again.

"L-lord Sidious demanded us to do s-so, it was a special-protocol for i-in case the Jedi Order went A-wall on the R-republic..." Tar Forn walked forward, and prepared to talk, but Viok put his arm in front of Tar before he could get close enough, and Viok shook his head, and made a: "Not now..." expression on his face.

"What else." Ordered Lepaik. "Who is this 'Lord Sidious' you speak of? What is the name of this 'Special-Protocol,' why would you chose to obey it after-"

"Order 66, t-that was the name of the protocol Sidious assigned to us earlier, the protocol in case the Jedi Order stepped o-out of line...A-and L-lord Sidious, Lord Sidious i-is..."

"Go on, TELL US!" Shouted Tar.

"Chancellor Palpatine, h-he's Lord Sidious..." Answered the Clone trooper. The Jedi-Crew felt in even more shock. It was already shocking enough after learning the Clone's betrayal against the Jedi Order, however, Chancellor Palpatine of the Republic, a Sith Lord. It would've been hard to fathom for the Jedi-Crew, however, at this point, it appeared as if they ran out of their typical shock of hidden surprises they learn about. Unfortunately, it didn't feel as surprising anymore, they already felt betrayed enough when Commander Trio and his squad attacked them back at Takodana. Tar snorted, and Viok noticed, wondering if there was something wrong with Tar's nose, but then focused his attention back to the Clone. 

Chancellor Palpatine's, a Sith Lord... Lepaik thought to himself.

It all made sense now to the Jedi-Crew. This must've been something Palpatine has been planning for a while, him being Darth Sidious in disguise allowed him to activate a protocol: "Order 66" in order to bring the Jedi Order to its knees. 

Seems like anything a Sith Lord would dream of doing, the Separatist, General Grievous, Count Dooku, Jango Fett, Maul, all of them were simply another pawn in Sidious's main-goal throughout the entire Clone Wars. They were working for a Sith Lord the entire time, and they never knew it until now (despite all of them being dead by now except for Sidious).

At least we even survived to discover this... Viok thought to himself. Tar Forn then approached the Clone, his Lightsaber still ignited. Everybody else deactivated their Lightsabers, for they all knew what Tar was about to do. Tar raised his Lightsaber, and with a swift strike, killed the Clone trooper, sending them nearly flying into the air. Tar Forn panted heavily as he deactivated his Lightsaber. Tar then turned and begin walking down the hall to the exit of the temple. 

"Come on guys..." Tar spoke as he walked back. "Let's get back to the Stopper."

"But Tar!" Yara said as she rushed after him. "We're at the Jedi Temple, there is much more to investig-"

"Let's get back to the Stopper." Tar repeated as he continued to walk forward, this time, much sterner than the last.

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