Coruscant, Part 3: The "Underworld"

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Tar Forn, Yara Gates, Lepaik Zoak, and Viok Stones made their way back to the Stopper in the dark alleyway were they originally parked it. Waix Brikens, Spasa Kain, and Tian Yol Reef were expected to be within the Stopper as Tar, Yara, Lepaik, and Viok set foot within the Stopper once again. 

When the ramp of the ship was open, and Tar and the others walked up it, instead of being greeted by Tian, or Waix, they weren't there, and the lights were off. This was odd, they wouldn't of left the ship willingly, and the Stopper's exterior was cloaked, unless...

"Over here!" Viok shouted from a corridor of the Stopper. The Jedi-Crew rushed over to see Viok staring a spray-painted wall stating: "Compliments of the Tusken-Killers," followed-by a well-painted picture-outline of a Tusken-Raider mask. Tar Forn snorted, and flicked his forked-tongue in-and-out. Viok stared at it, shaking his head. "The Tusken-Killers..." Yara said, followed by a sigh. "They're, they're a gang here, located in the Corsucant Underworld, Level-1313." Yara stated.

"Well, that's great..." Viok said. "That's what happens when you park your ship in a conspicuous, dangerous-looking dark-alley, apparently, not even a cloaking device could hide the Stopper from a gang of criminals."

The Jedi-Crew felt frustrated. They needed to get some shut-eye, however, thanks to the "Tusken-Killers," they had to come across a little bit more adventure before they could finally get rest. 

"Well then..." Started Lepaik looks like we're going to have to rescue Spasa, Waix, and Tian, and trust me when I say that in a case like this, there's a 3 to 10 ratio of them making it-"

"Don't tell us the odds." Tar said, walking to the pilot's seat.

Tar Forn closed the Stopper's ramp once more, and then started up the ship.

"The only way we're rescuing them, is by going to one place: The Coruscant Underworld." Tar announced as he piloted the Stopper into the air.

Tar flew the ship directly into a "Portal"/ Ventilation Shaft (Known as "Portals" for their large-size by most Coruscant-Locals) and soared all the way down to Level-1313, an infamous, Crime-Infested area. Once parked, Tar Forn opened the ramp, and the Jedi-Crew walked down from it, and into Level-1313.

"Now listen..." Tar Forn spoke as they walked, the area around-them growing more filthy and dark as they walked. "The people here are dangerous, killers, bounty hunters, assassins, gang-members, you guys need to remain subtle at all-cost, and don't interact with anybody no matter what they tell-you, or who they claim to be, under-"

"Like Lassin said, Tar Forn, we're not Padawans anymore, we're more than capable of handling ourselves.." Lepaik said.

Tar grunted, and then snorted. Although Tar was around-the-same-age as the rest of the Jedi-Crew, he was still concerned about their safety at all-cost. The Jedi-Crew had already lost two members. 

Tar didn't plan on losing any more.

"Tell me if you see any signs of the others, we may have to slit a few throats if we want to get our comrades back..." Tar ordered.

"Understood." Yara, Viok, and Lepaik said all at the same-time. 

As the Jedi-Crew kept progressing, more people could be seen, some leaning on walls, others threatening to blow a hole through another's chest if they didn't pay something up, or give back their end of a deal, others giving the Jedi-Crew odd looks as they walked by. An astromech strolled by the sidewalk, seeming to be taunting the Jedi-Crew in a way, not something they were in need of as of now.

Up-ahead, within the houses, there were a few bars, as normal at Level-1313, the occasional bar-fight was taking-place directly in a bar the Jedi just passed, somebody being tossed out the window, and getting dragged back in by some Masked Bounty Hunter. The walk felt endless at some point, however, eventually, while-walking, Viok turned to the left to notice something, strange: 

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