The Execution

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The Rhinoceros landed on the black, rocky surface on Mustafar, right in front of a strange-structure on the planet, making sure to land away from any lava on the planet. Jacker kicked, and yelled at each Jedi Knight until each of them awoke. Jacker then opened the ramp to his ship of the Rhinoceros, and then removed each Jedi's cuffs from the walls, and forced them on their feet with his blaster, making them walk down the ramp and to the structure. 

As they walked down the structure, up ahead were three Troopers that perfectly matched the description and appearance of the "Stormtroopers" the Jedi saw earlier in a hologram, two of them regular troops, one of them a Commander. Back when the Stopper was still at their side.

Jacker forcibly "escorted" the Jedi to the Stormtroopers ahead with his DL-18 Blaster Pistol, and then spoke to the Stormtroopers of the Empire: "I found the Jedi that matched the description of the holographic-images that were sent across the galaxy. Heh, lucky I was in the same system as them when that message was sent-out, otherwise, I might not be here for the reward." 

Tar Forn then snorted, but not out of anger, resentment, or just because Trandoshans tend to do it frequently. Tian observed that the volcanic-ash and air was messing with his nose, and that was also due to his large nostrils, which would definitely come as a disadvantage in the future.

"We appreciate your help, we'll escort these seven inside of this base, then you take your reward and leave at once." The Stormtrooper Commander explained to Jacker. 

One of the Stormtroopers in the back grabbed a large, heavy crate that was more than likely full of credits, and then walked over to hand it to Jacker. Jacker snatched it without hesitation, and then saluted to the Jedi-Crew in a (clearly) mocking-way, and then turned to walk back to the Rhinoceros, with his credit reward. 

"And as for you seven..." The same Stormtrooper from before started. "You're coming with us, all of you." The Stormtrooper then walked behind Tian (who was in the back) and shoved him forward with his E-11 Blaster Rifle, forcing him forward as the other Jedi walked forward.

The Jedi were brought inside of the palace by the two Stormtroopers, and their Commander. The Jedi-Crew was then taken throughout many halls until they eventually reached a large, what appeared to be a room with a high ceiling, about 50-feet tall, that had a rug in the center of the room. It was a plain rug, and the room had nothing else but two Royal Guards inside, each guard wearing red armor with a cloak that wrapped around the back of it, and the torso. 

Each of those Royal Guards were also armed with a deadly vibro-spear/ vibro-staff that matched the color of their outfits. One of the Royal Guards then beckoned to Tar Forn first to be executed, since he was in front of the Jedi. 

Tar Forn let out a sigh, and turned to give a "I'm sorry" look to the rest of his friends. 

"G-guys, I guess this is goodbye, b-but may the force be with you." Tar then began to walk-forward, but then one of the Stormtroopers noticed Tar, and then immediately stepped-in:

"WAIT!" A Stormtrooper with a young sounding voice shouted, and then pointed his blaster at Tar, who turned to give him an unsettling look. 

"TK-5223, stand down, NOW!" The Commander ordered. 

"N-no, w-we can't have him executed h-here, Commander, this is the Trandoshan Jedi that Vader ordered to be taken to Cloud City, Bespin i-if caught." Explained the Trooper.

"Why didn't you inform me earlier?" The Commander asked.

"I-I-I-I, sorry sir for the descre-" The Commander walked forward, and the kneed TK-5223 in the gut, and then smacked the Trooper in the head with the back of his rifle. The Trooper grunted attempted to get up again, but clearly, his efforts fell-flat as the Commander then slammed his foot on the back of the Trooper's head, knocking off his helmet, and knocking him out cold. Spasa stared in shock as her eyes became even wider, observing the Empire's cruel ways. 

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