The Kingdom of Vash, Part 2

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(I did not draw the image above, but it matches the new current environment that this chapter starts off with).

Tar awoke with a gasp as he turned to look around, the area around him appeared to be like a cave, Vashian Insects that he never even knew existed scuttling inside of holes and cracks in the walls when they saw the Trandoshan awake. Tar looked around, panicked by his new dark surroundings as he then turned to see a steel gate in front of him as it appeared. Apprehensive, Tar got to his talon-feet and stared at the gate for a few moments, seeing a column of more dungeon cells outside as two Vashian Guards walked away, and vanished behind a corner.

The halls also aligned with statues of great Vashian Warriors from the past, and a beam of fresh sunlight poured in through a hole somewhere in the ceiling. Suddenly, the hole that released the sunlight slammed shut with great force, the sound of a door locking on the other side shutting it for good as the remaining sunlight was now devoured by the complete darkness of the dungeons, little to no unknown light sources still Illuminating the corridors and halls outside of the cell. Suddenly, all of the other openings for the sunlight sources were also slammed shut, now even more darkness than light.

Tar raised his right talon-hand, and attempted to pry open the gate holding him in his cell by using the force, the gate budging a little bit as it began to creak open: Just for it to glow green and shut, causing Tar to stagger as if a counteracting force was preventing Tar from opening the gate.

Tar tried again to open it using the force, but the results were not anything new. Persistently, Tar kept at it, getting more and more frustrated each time, until eventually, the gate glowed a brighter green, and before he knew it, Tar was flying into the stone wall behind him after an ethereal blast, bouncing off as he fell to the ground in pain, remnants of stone tumbling with him as he slowly got up again. That blast really did a number on him, and the wall.

"You shouldn't have done that." A voice called from a dark corner.

Tar turned around to face where the sound of the voice had projected from. "W-what is this magic, and who are you!?" Tar asked demandingly.

Vashti rolled her eyes. "Tar, calm down..." She said quietly. "You've been out for about an hour." Vashti explained, answering Tar's un-asked question. She moved into the light, Vashti looked terrible, her white dress in shreds and she had cuts and bruises all over her. Worst of all, her eyes, they looked defeated and sad as she tried to mutter a spell under her breath, failing as the

A look of petrification and despair spread through Tar's face. "I-I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you, I f-feared you were somebody else." Tar said as he walked towards her, staring at her eyes and dress, examining Vashti for about fifteen seconds.

"H-how could they...?" Questioned Tar, disbelief and sorrow in his voice almost like nothing Vashti had ever heard from him before.

"People do things, and sometimes: We can't stop them until it's too late..." Vashti said, sliding down the wall, pulling her legs close to her chest.

She had never felt so vulnerable in her life. After a long pause of despair, Vashti finally broke the ice. "Tar.... is your crew okay?" Vashti asked, pulling her legs even closer to her chest. She had never felt so vulnerable before, it scared her.

"I-I don't know..." Tar mumbled silently, but loud enough for Vashti to hear.

"I really hope VeeCee got away with Vahl." Said Vashti.

"As do I..." Said Tar as a few footsteps could now be heard coming towards the cell they were currently in.

Tar perked his head up as he approached the door, pressing himself and his snout against the enchanted steel gate as he noticed that somebody was coming. Tar immediately turned around and ran to where Vashti is.

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