A Dogfight, Part 1

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The Jedi were on-route to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant when they received a transmission on the "Time-Stopper's" holo-disk. The entire Jedi-Crew rushed out of their cozy beds, and to the main-cockpit , where Tian was still steering the ship, keeping it from crashing into oblivion. "Tian, what's happening!" Tar asked loudly as he rushed to the main-cockpit alongside his Jedi-Companions. "We're intercepting a Republic Transmission!" Tian answered. "I-It's from a few Clone troopers!"

"Heh, well that's great, more treasonous Clones to-" Tar spoke in sarcasm.

"We've heard enough of your animosity, Lizard..." Viok responded immediately.

Tian ignored Viok's insulting remark. "Well!? What are you waiting for, Fish-Head, play it!" Tar ordered at Tian.

Tian activated the Ship's main holo-disk that the Jedi surrounded, and a Hologram sprouted straight up from it, revealing a Clone Officer. The Jedi-Crew could tell that apparently, this transmission was recorded previously. It must've been specifically meant for if any Clone Scouts run into a shuttle full of Jedi. However, Waix couldn't help but wonder: How did they find us? How did they even know that we're Jedi? 

The Clone Trooper in the hologram spoke: "Halt at once. By the name of Order 66, Jedi Knights, or Jedi of any sort are now outlawed against our precious galaxy. We demand your surrender to come with us where you will be taken in for choice of execution. You have 60-seconds to surrender your vehicle for inspection while you're taken prisoner. Upon your capture, you will also be fined a 800-credit payoff to pay for the slaughter of four of our men, and for the price of a quick execution-method list to be chosen from. This is your first, and last warning, for you do not come with us, we will have to do this by force, or kill you where you sit. Even if you escape, we shall issue a warning about your presence, then every Bounty Hunter in the galaxy will be at your tail. You now stand-before an entire legion of trained, elite Clone troopers, and before an entire Galaxy against your shameful, pitiful existence. Respond when ready."

The transmission cut off on its own. Tar furrowed his brow and snorted. "This doesn't sound anything like the Republic we knew..." Yara commented (with a small German accent.) She wasn't wrong though, this really didn't sound anything like the Republic, it sounded like... An "Empire..."  Spasa looked down and thinked, her thoughts private.

Tian sighed. "We're sitting Ducks..." Tian announced.

Yara stared down at the holo-pad. "They said the fall of the Jedi would never come..." Started Yara.

"I hate to interrupt, but now is really not the time for-" Viok was cut off by Yara, who kept speaking.

"However..." Yara interrupted resentfully. "I-it did. I didn't exactly know what I was getting into when I was first brought to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, but I've learned a lot in this past decade. I now know what evils live in the galaxy, and what little good still exist to try and resist against it. Now, that little good has been shrunken in a way I could've never imagined, and now, we're left with close to nothing." Spoke Yara Gates, a Togruta Jedi apart of their crew, wise and responsible, who wielded a green Lightsaber.

The entire Jedi-Crew was engulfed in pure silence for a few seconds, all of them taking in what Yara had said.

"Though, as a wise master once told me: The lightside is built on the force, and hope, and that's what we have that can defeat them. It's all we have left: I say we make it worth something." Yara explained.

"I guess we've made up our mind then..." Tian said, satisfied with their solution. Tian spoked into his comms: "Gentlemen, we're not coming with you, if you want us, come get us yourself."

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