Wounded aboard the Stopper

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The Stopper took off from Vendaxa, destined to never return, or so the Jedi-Crew hoped. The Jedi-Crew carried Waix to one of the beds in one of the two bedrooms, gently setting him down as Tian continued to steer the ship. Somebody had to do it, and Tian was the one of the best-pilots they knew. Spasa agreed to stay with Waix in the bedroom, while the other Jedi monitored the ship, Tar Forn and Yara with Tian in the main-cockpit. 

Viok and Lepaik sitting at the turbo laser cockpits, just in case they were attacked once more. Spasa sat down on the bed where Waix rested, his wound only getting worse as Spasa grabbed a medical-kit to assist it the best way she could. 

"I'm proud of you Waix..." Spasa said. 

"I didn't do much..." Waix responded.

"You managed to stay alive, that's all I need to hear."

"I-I can't rest here forever, I can either try to get better, or allow myself to get even worse. If there's no cure for this infection, I-I don't think I can stay-"

"Let's not dwell on that..." Said Spasa, who was wiping a few straps around Waix's wound. "I'm not much of a medic Waix, however, I know enough to tell you that this is going to sting..."

"Wait, what do yo-" Waix's sentence was interrupted by the sound of Spasa igniting her Purple-Lightsaber.

"N-now Spasa, I'm not sure if t-that's going to help me..." Waix said, sweating.

"I've cauterized one of Commander Trio's wounds before with my Lightsaber when h-he was once shot in a battle, so I'm going to have to give it a shot. Now, this is going to sting, and I'm sorry that it will, however-"

"I've heard enough Spasa. No need to apologize, if it works, it works, let's just get it over with." 

Spasa nodded, a grim look on her face. Spasa raised her Lightsaber, and put it near the tip of Waix's wound, and then she was careful, but she noticed Waix's wound was beginning to split, knowing what she was about to do might've been the only way. Spasa then dug the heated-blade of her Lightsaber into Waix's wound, cutting of the blood, and stopping an infection from taking place, as Waix screamed at the top of his lungs.

The rest of the Jedi-Crew rushed into the bedroom, even Tian did this time, as he put the Stopper into auto-pilot. 

"Spasa, is Waix okay!?" Yara asked frantically as she rushed into the room. Spasa then deactivated her Lightsaber, as she was done cauterizing Waix's bite-wound.

"You cauterized him! With a Lightsaber!?" Tar asked. "Spasa, I respect your actions, however, you could've killed him!" Said Tar Forn.

Spasa sighed. "I know..." Spasa said. "However, the wound was bleeding too much, he could've bled-out if I hadn't of done anything. It saved Trio's life during the defense of the Kamino Cloning Facility, I did what I felt was right." Explained Spasa to the rest of the Jedi-Crew.

Waix lay on the bed unconscious from the excruciating cauterization, letting out small moans in his current state. 

"Spasa..." Lepaik said, approaching her. "We've all felt that way, however, you can't put somebody's life on the line like that, and Tar's right, you could've killed Waix if you weren't careful. However, since it worked, I thank you for that feat." Lepaik finished.

Poor Waix let out another groan. 

"I'll stay here and monitor his recovery..." Spasa informed. 

The rest of the Jedi-Crew nodded, and all of them (except for Spasa and Waix of course) walked to the main-cockpit where Tian got into the pilot's seat once more, took the Stopper off auto-pilot, and continued to pilot the ship manually. 

"Guys, I apologize for snapping at Spasa earlier..." Confessed Tar, who was furrowing his left scale-brow. "I-I didn't mean to disrespect Spasa in any way, I was just scared about Waix's safety, since I never-" Tar Forn was cut-off by Lepaik: 

"It's okay Tar, we're perfectly aware, that had me in shock as well, though I hoped Spasa knew what she was doing." Yara nodded afterwards, and Viok stared out the window of the main-cockpit.

Tar sighed. "Well, now what..." Tar asked. The Jedi-Crew stared at each-other, puzzled by the question. The Jedi-Crew was also surprised by that question as much as Tar was. Now that the entire galaxy was most-likely going to be at their throats soon enough, the Jedi-Crew didn't know what to do at that point other than to lay-low, which they've already been doing. 

"I-I don't know..." Lepaik responded. 

"Nor do I." Yara added as well. 

"Maz Kanata..." Viok said. The entire Jedi-Crew turned to look at Viok. "Maz's castle on Takodana, we have to head back there..." Viok finished.

"Why Maz Kanata?" Yara asked. "She's a galactic pirate, I think she'd much rather attempt to eradicate us at this point in comparison to trying to help us." Yara finished pessimistically (though, Yara was never much of a pessimistic Togruta herself, she was actually more optimistic in fact). 

"I know, but she's not a Clone. She's also 950-years-old, 50-years older than Grand Master Yoda. Something also tells me that she already had plenty of experience with we Jedi, and if she hunted them like Grievous did, I think we would've heard of her by a similar name as of now." Viok explained. "Whether you believe it or not, she might be the one we're looking for if we want to survive throughout this galaxy." 

Tar Forn snorted, and then nodded his head. "Tian..." Tar began to ask. "Set the course to Takodana, for we're heading to Maz's castle."

Order 66: A Star Wars StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora