Geonosis: The Infestation

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The Velociraptor breached the orbit of Geonosis, and soared into the sandy dunes. The Velociraptor swooped downwards, and hovered over the sandy grounds for a while.

"So, you don't have the coordinates to this place you speak of, do you Tar Forn?" Tian questioned intriguely.

"N-no, I don't have the coordinates, but I can direct us there." Tar explained, shutting his eyes and raising his right-hand in the air, letting the force guide him to the location. "Take a right around the mountain, then accelerate until you reach a canyon, then land on the flattest slope you can spot." Tar commanded.

"Copy that..." Tian responded, swerving around a mountain, and speeding until he spot the canyon Tar Forn spoked of, however, there were a few Imperial Shuttles also on the canyon, the ramps opening as Stormtroopers flooded out. Tar's eyes were shut like a locked door as he kept concentrating, the presence he was searching for growing stronger as he neared towards the canyon. "We're almost there, keep flying Tian.." Tar ordered.

"Ummmm, Tar..." Viok intervened, trying to get Tar Forn's attention, but failing as Tar kept focusing on the path ahead. Viok spoke again, "Ta-"

"Silence Viok..." Tar Forn exclaimed, interrupting Viok's sentence.

Eventually, the Velociraptor reached the canyon, and Tian landed the Raptor on the flattest-slope there was. 

"We're here!" Tian shouted to the entire crew. Tian flipped a switch, opening the ramp which lead out of the Velociraptor, and the Jedi walked down the ramp, Tar Forn coming in last after him, opening his eyes, and lowering his arm to see how bright the planet's sky was. 

"I remember this place..." Viok said, his eyes still glued to the bright sky. "Not my best performance here, but at least we survived." Viok murmured again.

 All of a sudden, heavy footsteps trotted behind the Jedi, startling them as they rushed behind a boulder to hide. Tian activated the Velociraptor's cloaking device, hiding the Raptor as a few Stormtroopers rushed out of nowhere, the Imperial Shuttle's fangs visible over a rock, which revealed that they had arrived to the Jedi so they could hide in time. There were three Stormtroopers, and the troopers were forcibly escorting a Jedi.

Tar saw something, familiar about this Jedi, and it was a female-human, and she was being shoved forward, tight handcuffs restraining her as the Stormtroopers continued to shove her forward. "-even though you're no good-use to us dead, we're still authorized to kill you at any given moment, so don't try anything stupid." One of the Stormtroopers finished, shoving the Jedi forward. 

That was suddenly when Tar realized: This was Jedi Master Izeala Verishaii, a Jedi that Tar had met years ago, and had fought many battles alongside her, and has gotten to know her throughout the times. Tar sighed in relief: At least now, he knew that Izeala had survived Order 66. "It's Master Verishaii..." Spasa whispered. Tar Forn nodded, his eyes glued to her, but also to Spasa. Tar snapped out of the trance, and turned to see the Stormtroopers and Izeala vanish into the darkness of the caverns. 

Tar snorted. "We have to get moving, come on!" Tar ordered, climbing over the boulder, and rushing into the darkness, the rest of the Raptor Crew frantically following. 

Tar had spent a lot of time with Izeala from the past, and Trandoshans had a powerful sense of smell, so once they were inside, Tar sniffed the air, attempting to find Izeala's scent in all of the darkness. Waix looked at Tar in confusion, like he had just gone insane.

"S-she's.....she's over here, COME ON!" Tar yelled in a loud-whisper, running down a certain cave, the other Jedi following in confusion. As they advanced, the darkness grew too much to bear, so Tar Forn ignited his Lightsaber so they wouldn't be completely blinded in the dark that engulfed them. Eventually, the Jedi rushed behind a corner to spot the two Stormtroopers panicking as they circled around Izeala, who had her eyes closed, and her handcuffs starting to come loose. The Stormtroopers circled around as odd chattering noises could be heard from the other caverns. "I-I think I heard something from here..." One of the Stormtroopers said.

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