Vash, Part 1

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(I did not draw the picture above, however, it matches Vash's description perfectly. It's green, and it has two moons orbiting it, one of them being Quaikon to the right of the picture. It actually comes from a Star Wars Wiki page, but the picture matches Vash perfectly, and yes, that is how Vash looks. Other than that, enjoy!)

Tar and Izeala dashed frantically down the corridors until they arrived at the hangar, seeing the Velociraptor hovering as Tian was piloting it within the main-cockpit, the ramp open as wide as a Rancor's mouth.

"TIAN, WE REALLY OWE YOU ONE!" Tar shouted as him and Izeala leaped on top of the ramp, and scrambled into the ship before the blaster-bolts could reach them. Once Tar and Izeala were inside with the ramps closed, the Velociraptor hovered for a bit as Tian noticed all of the surrounding Stormtroopers opening fire non-stop.

Tian sighed as he prepared the blasted-canons attached to the main-cockpit's exteriors. The canons unleashed fire upon the Stormtroopers, killing most of them as the blaster-fire also caused a few nearby explosives to go off, causing more calamity as smoke erupted into the hangar, Tian now sure that the threats had to be eliminated as he steered the Velociraptor around, and prepared to exit the hangar.

THUD! The ship shook violently as everybody tumbled to the ground. Tar grunted as he clutched his snout in pain as it bled, for it had slammed into the ground when the sudden burst of impact stopped the Velociraptor from moving. As the Jedi got back to their feet, the ship was suddenly turned around on its own, the front-windows revealing the Second Brother with his Lightsaber ignited, standing on a levitating-pad with railings on it.

"Come here..." The Second Brother beckoned with the same creepy-grin stuffed on his face as his Lightsaber spun around like a razor-blade. The Second Brother used the force to make drag the Velociraptor closer to him as Tian hurried to the controls, and attempted to tug the ship back.

"QUIT resisting! I'm not letting any of you go that easily...!" Massius demanded as he brought the Velociraptor closer to him.

Izeala growled. "I'm going to kill him myself this time..."

 Tar snorted as the ship shifted back-and-forth, Massius holding it still with the force as Tian struggled to handle the controls. Viok staggered as he struggled to maintain balance. Viok turned to Izeala.

"AGH!" Viok grunted as he staggered. "Izeala, you seem to really have a grudge against Massius, I assume you two have some past history, correct!?" Viok asked frantically as he also struggled to keep still with the ship shaking like it was being throttled by a giant.

Izeala rolled her eyes. "You could say that Viok..."the experienced Jedi muttered under her breath, furiously pushing Massius's force pull away.

Vashti's voice crackled over the comm system. "IZZY, WHERE ARE YOU!!" she demanded. The Princess of Vash was not one for patience.

Viok snatched Izeala's comm and spoke into it: "We're occupied, okay, but we'll be on Vash soon, and that's a promise!" Viok bluffed as the Velociraptor got closer to Massius. Izeala snatched her comm back from Viok as she began to overpower Massius, but the Second Brother didn't look like he'd give up yet, though, it gave Tian an opportunity. A serious look swept Tian by the face as he aimed the laser-cannons at the Second Brother as he struggled with Izeala, and opened fire immediately. Massius released his grip on the Velociraptor as he used his ignited-Lightsaber to deflect the blaster-bolts sent his way, giving them the perfect chance to escape.

"I'M GETTING US OUT OF HERE!" Tian promised as he accelerated the Velociraptor backwards, sending it out of the Star Destroyer's hangar, and flying away towards Vash, which was not too far away. The entire Raptor Crew sighed in relief as the Raptor dashed through space and towards Vash, but it was short-lived when they felt blaster-fire scrap the exterior of the Velociraptor, nearly knocking every member of the Raptor Crew off their feet as they rushed to a window, and peered outside, noticing multiple Tie Fighters closing in, one of them looking...peculiar.

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