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Izeala felt her eyelids slowly being pried open by a strange presence of the force, and her eyelids were gently taken up as her sight revealed the Second Brother/ Massius Kast, who had his helmet back on, and was smirking at Izeala in a unsettling way. Massius was sitting in a chair as he kept smiling at Izeala, and after a few moments of strange silence, he spoke: "Izeala Verishaii of Dragnomna, native to the planet of Vash, third air to the throne of Queen Vayla, and Jedi Master of the Jedi Order..." Massius started. "Welcome."

"I've had warmer welcomes from a statue," Izeala retorted, her glacier blue eyes cold. "Tell me, how was Vash?" She asked with a sly smile. Izeala looked down at the Second Brother. Being strung up by your wrist was no walk in the park... she thought to herself.  

"Heh, that Rechon almost took off my face, but that's not why I decided to spare you from imprisonment." Massius Kast/ The Second Brother answered as he took out an ancient Holocron, and put it on the table. "I shouldn't be showing you this Izeala, but this is a Jedi-Sith Holocron. It can only be opened by those strong with the force, but if a Darksider and Lightsider work together to pry it open, it shall be capable of answering any questions known to the stature of the entire galaxy. With great knowledge, the tide of wars can be turn, lives can be saved, order and peace can be restored, the galaxy can be brought to a concluding balance..." Massius explained, trying to persuade Izeala. "If you lend your hand to discover the secrets within this holocron, after our questions are answered, I shall let you, and your friends go free, and we can forget that this elaborate ruse ever happened..." Explained Massius.

"So what'll it be...?" Massius questioned with a smile. 

  "Not on your life..." denied Izeala resentfully, glaring daggers at her captor as Massius's smile began to fade.

"I figured you'd say that, so allow me to explain: Would you like to know why I spared you from your initial imprisonment, in contrast to your friends...?" Massius asked. 

"Touch a hair on their heads and I will obliterate you." Izeala replied calmly, like she was saying what the weather was.

"Oh Izeala..." Massius started, chuckling as he used the force to release Izeala from her handcuffs as they snapped and fell to the ground. "You have something that they, well.... do not: Magic. Izeala, I thought the Nightsisters were the only beings in our galaxy that could possess such power, but how wrong was I to believe such thing, especially after meeting the likes of you. With our power combined, we could end any opponents that stand against you, Vash, your friends, or the Empire with nothing beyond a swift stroke of a finger..." Massius explained, in desperate attempt to convince Izeala.

Izeala laughed. "You're pathetic, why would someone like me partner with a scumbag like you?" 

Massius smiled. "Because if you don't, you can say goodbye to your friends, and the residents of your homeplanet..." Massius threatened as he got out of his seat, and flipped a switch, opening the steel-sliders to all of the windows in the room, revealing through the glass of each one that they were now orbiting Vash within an Imperial Star Destroyer.

Izeala looked panicked for a moment, but on the inside she was snickering, Vash already knew that they were here. Stupid idiot, you are play with a power you don't understand, Izeala thought to herself.

Massius growled as he saw Izeala's face morph into a different expression that he had not expected, anticipated, or desired as he grew angry, realizing that he would now have to do things the hard-way as he let out a muffled, fear-inducing grunt as he slammed his fist on the table. Massius grunted as he pointed at Izeala using his right-hand, attempting to keep his composure as his creepy-smile became a frustrated one as of now. "LISTEN HERE YOU SCRUFFY LOOKING LASER-BRAIN!" Massius shouted in blind-rage. "I WAS THE THIRD TO JOIN THE INQUISITION, AND YOU UNDERESTIMATE MY TRUE POWER, YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M CAPABLE OF!" Massius barked as he slammed his fist on the table again as he breathed heavily, starting to calm down, but anybody with eyes could still see that he was angry.

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