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The Jedi stood in front of a wall, each of them carving everybody they've lost so far with their Lightsabers on it (carefully): Lassin, Lepaik, Maverim, and Quiol. Yara let out a deep sob of despair as she carved Lepaik's name on the steel wall, and she remained in depression for a few more hours as Tian piloted the Raptor. 

The Velociraptor's exterior was painted green and gray on the steel, and its shape looked similar to that of a Mandalorian Shuttle. The only difference on its outside appearance only was not only its paint-job, but it also didn't have fangs sticking from the side of it and up, but instead, two fangs on each of its sides sticking out and pointing backwards, making the Velociraptor look-like it had two tails of some sort. 

The Velociraptor was highly upgraded, and had spacy living-quarters, and blaster-cannons on the front of the ship, and also was equipped with a hyperdrive (like most ships), and ion-disruptors and ion-torpedoes. It also came with escape pods, just-in-case.

Yara sat in a bedroom, staring at her feet as she let out a deep sigh. Once Tar was fully recovered, and heated up from being frozen in carbonite (which was a challenge, for he was cold-blooded), he sat down to discuss what they were going to do next with Viok and Spasa in a room. 

Waix was leaning against the wall, eavesdropping on their current conversation: "I-I wish we could've made it with Lepaik..." Spasa spoke.

"I wish he could've made it here as well, same thing with Maverim, h-however, we can't s-stop now. It's okay to grieve, w-we just can't stay sad forever, we have work to do." Tar finished.

"I can see that Tar, but what can we do at this rate? There's nothing we can do now other than just survive in general, we should devote the rest of this time to showing our appreciation for Lepaik and Maverim, t-they deserve it..." Spasa suggested.

"I'm sorry, but we have to move on, and do what's needed, that's what they would've wanted. I do care about them, i-it's just...well." Tar snorted as he thought to himself, but then came up with something reasonable, and something he'd agree with himself: 

"Let's say if I were to die in battle, i-if I could see you guys mourning over me, I'd be happy and sad. Happy to know that all of you cared. Sad to see you in despair when I would wish I could tell you everything would be fine, and that I'm fine, but unable to anyways. However, I wouldn't want you to remain sad forever, since if I die, I don't want you guys to go down with me unless there's nothing that can be done in the situation, which I hope is not something we will come across." Tar finished.

"Tar's right." Viok jumped in. "Their lives are worth it, and I do miss them. It's just, we have to keep going, it's what they would've wanted. Wherever they are now, whatever craziness that's happening in this galaxy is the least of their problems right now. If we grieve too much, it doesn't matter. We'd eventually have to accept the fact that they're gone, and it's best we do it now before it's too late for us, for if we let the fear and sadness consume us from grief, that could lead to the path of a darksider."

"I guess it's not the Jedi-way..." Spasa admitted with a sigh, her voice as clear as water. Tar Forn snorted again as Viok rubbed his goatee.

"W-we should discuss the plan." Spasa hastily said after a few awkward seconds of silence. Tar Forn nodded as he cleared his throat.

"Well, here's what we know: The Clone troopers of the Galactic Republic have decided to turn on the Clone troopers after Chancellor Palpatine, or so-we-thought-he-was, executed a Kill Order known as: Order 66, and it instantly caused every Clone to turn, and take the lives of all Jedi, and many died due to the Clones having the element of surprise, and shock at their side. Afterwards, Palpatine must've converted the Galactic Republic into the 'Galactic Empire,' replacing all of their Clone troopers with Stormtroopers, converting their vehicles (based off another hologram they saw earlier aboard the Raptor) to make themselves look like an entirely new-all-powerful-faction that's meant to 'restore order to the galaxy.' Now, with Palpatine the new Emperor of the Empire, he's established a series of darkside users known as the 'Inquisitors,' that are made to hunt down any surviving Jedi like ourselves, and to fight side-by-side while commanding Stormtroopers on the battlefield. Also, Palpatine has a new-apprentice known as: Lord Vader, a perfectly matching-name for another Sith Lord." Tar Forn explained bluntly and with a pessimistic tone.

"Well great..." Viok murmured. 

"However, there's no way we can liberate the entire galaxy away from the Empire, not on our own at least, and although our main-task is to survive, maybe we should help others who are trying to do the same thing." Tar explained.

"What are you saying?" Spasa questioned.

"Well, a few minutes ago, I received a message from somebody...unknown. I'm thinking it could be the same master-codebreaker that Maverim was friends with, and I couldn't tell who it was because their voice was distorted and scrambled, but I could still understand what they were saying. They told me that the Empire had a Jedi held captive, and they're forcing them to lead to a temple of some-sort, with an ancient artifact buried underneath it..." Tar then let out another sigh. 

"...On Geonosis..." Viok's eyes widened when he heard the word: "Geonosis," for it was the last place he thought about returning to, and Spasa thought the same thing as well. Viok and Spasa had fought in the battle of Geonosis, within the arena as well, and they barely forgot any of it. Many Jedi had died during that battle, and Viok and Spasa were lucky to walk out of it alive.

Viok let out a sigh, and so did Spasa as they stared at Tar in menacing-grief worn upon their faces. "So be it." Viok and Spasa exclaimed at the same-time. Tar Forn nodded, and left the room to head to the main-cockpit. "Tian..." Tar spoke.

"Any updates?" Tian asked.

"Yes, set the course for Geonosis, I'll explain everything along the way." Tar ordered. Tian nodded as he focused back to the Velociraptor's controls, and then hit the hyperdrive.

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