The Zabrak and Trandoshan

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Spasa Kain awoke with a cough, sweating more than a Walrus trapped in a heated room with no windows, no door, no water, and the only source of light being a small fire.

Spasa looked around frantically, wondering what had just happened, and whether or not she was turning. I sure hope not... Spasa thought to herself. Spasa then shook her head quickly, trying to rid her mind of such negative thoughts. Spasa then climbed out of her bed, and began to walk, just when she found Tar Forn standing outside of the door, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. Spasa stopped, and turn to see Tar. 

"Good to see you finally awake..." Tar spoke, flicking his forked-tongue in-and-out once again, followed by a snort. 

"How long have you been standing there?" Asked a curious Spasa.

"T-that's not of importance..." Tar answered. "What is important, is that you're awake, so I can speak to you now."

"Speak to me?" Spasa clarified. "A-about what exactly?"

"About your vision, Spasa..." Tar answered once again. Tar put his arms back out to his side as he got off from the wall, and stood close in front of Spasa, barely towering over her by a few inches, for they were around the same height. Tar snorted.

"This is awkward..."

"Yeah, you're right, come, let's have a seat..." Tar said, gesturing towards the table in the bedroom Spasa had just exited from. Spasa and Tar walked over to have a seat, and then, Spasa began to speak. "H-how exactly did you even know that I had a vision...?" Spasa asked.

"Spasa, please, you and I have known each other for a while. By now, after studying your, 'erm, sleeping habits, I can tell when something's tugging at your mind, but the way you were acting in your sleep, I could tell, you weren't just dreaming. It appeared to be, a vision, of some sort. If what you were having was a vision, please Spasa, tell me what you saw. It could help determine the very fate of the Jedi Order, or what's left of it at least..."

"Very well then Tar... I-I don't remember too much from the vision, but one thing I remember for sure was, well..." Tar tilted his head. "I-I saw you, frozen in carbonite, a group of odd-looking Clone troopers examining you with great detail."

"Frozen in carbonite..." Tar snorted, and scratched his nose. "Hmm, t-that doesn't sound pleasant. If that's what to come in the future, and there's no way to prevent it, I hope things will go in the right direction. Though, I don't know for sure if there's anything we can do to stop that, and as much as I hate to admit it, I may not always be around to stand by your side, Spasa..."

"I see what you mean, and unfortunately, I may not always be around to stand by yours either, for it doesn't matter how long one lives. We all, become one with the force, eventually. One way, or another..." Said Spasa.

Tar looked down for a moment, understanding what Spasa had just told him. "However, there's something else I heard in the vision that you should know, within the vision, the Troopers said mentioned one named Lord Vader, a possibly new Sith Lord. I also caught a glimpse of a Sith, I believe, one who sorta matched what I'd picture a Sith Lord looking like." Spasa explained, omitting the fact that he was battling a Jedi. "I don't know much about as of now, though, something in my gut tells me that we're going to encounter him, verbally, or physically."

"Well then, thank you for telling me all of that Spasa, I'm glad you trust me and the rest of the crew." Tar Forn said, placing his right hand on Spasa's right shoulder. Spasa smiled awkwardly at Tar until he took his hand off her shoulder, and then Tar got up. "I-I'm going to monitor the ventilation system, to check for any Mynocks, you should get back to sleep Spasa, we have a long road ahead of us."

"Thank y-wait, WAIT, TAR FORN!" Spasa called after Tar. Tar turned to face her with a yes? facial expression. "W-what do we do now? If almost the entire galaxy is now at our throats, where do we have left to run? What do we do?"

Tar Forn sighed. "You're right, we can't stay cooped-up on the Stopper forever, we're going to have to find a somewhere we can lay-low for a while..." Tar admitted. "I'll go tell Tian, perhaps he can set us on-route to a safe-planet." Tar finished. Tar then walked forward towards the Main-Cockpit. "WAIT, TAR!" Spasa shouted. Tar turned-around once more. 

"May the force be with you." Spasa said.

Tar chuckled. "May the force be with you too, Spasa Kain." Tar turned, and made his way to the main-cockpit to speak to Tian. Spasa sighed in relief, but at the same time, the Jedi-Crew's troubles were far from over.

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