Crait, Part 2: Jacker Trex

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Jacker dashed forward down the Rhinoceros's open ramp, and drew his DL-18 Blaster Pistol, held it almost as far as his arms could reach, and pulled the trigger. A blaster-bolt whizzed past Viok, in which it had barely missed, for if Viok was just a single inch to the left, it could've been the end of his story. The Jedi-Crew rushed behind the remains of the Time-Stopper as Jacker advanced, opening fire as blaster-bolts struck the outside of the Stopper, the Jedi using it for cover. 

"Jedi Scum!" Jacker shouted, his voice modified due to his helmet. 

Jacker Trex wore a full set of Mandalorian Armor, all of it re-painted black and yellow, resembling a Bumblebee's color pattern.

Jacker was also equipped with a  jetpack, and his helmet was similar to that of Jango Fett's, the only difference was not only the color, but the helmet had two fangs sticking out each side. Apart from that, the Jedi had a plentiful amount of trouble trying to assume what Jacker exactly had in his deadly arsenal since their last encounter. 

The Jedi were about to find out for themselves. Tar peaked out from behind a corner, just for a blaster-bolt to nearly strike him as he rushed back into cover, the bolt striking the ship instead. "BLAST!" Tar exclaimed as nearly had his skull scorched by a bolt.

"We can't stay here. Curse this planet, and its flat plains!" Tar gripped. "We can't just rush into the open, he'll slaughter us all! Trust me when I say that he knows a sitting-duck when he sees one..."

"Tar Forn's right..." Lepaik admitted. "This is the only cover we have, and Jacker's got a lot more than just a blaster-pistol. Does anybody have any ideas?" There was a long pause as the sound of more blaster-bolts smacking into the Stopper's outer shell could be heard.

The Jedi were running out of time, and in a moment, their skulls could end up in the Rhinoceros, where Jacker also collected and polished the skulls of the Jedi he has killed in battle. For a Bounty Hunter, you have to admit, Jacker takes some pride into his work, and he never seemed to forget it. More blaster-bolts struck the Stopper's exterior.

Jacker wasn't giving up easy, and unfortunately for the Jedi-Crew, he's one of the most persistent, patient Bounty Hunters they've ever fought, and now, the new most deadliest Bounty-Hunter in galaxy (at least until Boba Fett makes his debut to follow in his father's footsteps) happened to be in their same system when there was a price put on their heads. Not the best luck in the galaxy.

Jacker kept firing, red footprints of sand being left each step Jacker took, an entire layer of red sand beneath the salty surfaces of Crait. 

"We have to do something!" Yara suddenly announced. 

"You'd better speak up Yara, our lives depend on it!" Tar responded.

"Fine, leap out of cover, ignite our Lightsabers, and subdue him!" Yara responded.

"Are you insane!?" Tar impatiently yelled-back. "We can't-"

"He's ONE MAN!" Yara cried. "We can take him."

Tar Forn let out a sigh, and then snorted afterwards. 

"So be it. On my command..." Tar ordered resentfully. 

He clearly overestimated Jacker, ever since their last battle with the Bounty Hunter, he couldn't help but fear him. However, fear was not the "Jedi-Way," but every now and then, Tar would find himself straying-away from the teachings of the Jedi.

Maybe I would've been better off as a hunter back at Trandosha... That's when Tar remembered that back at Trandosha, he was planned to be sold for a few Banthas by his uncle, who was greatly disappointed in the Trandoshan at the time, for unlike the other Trandoshans, he was not blood-thirsty, and he didn't have a savage personality. Heck, Tar Forn's voice even showed it, for it didn't sound as 'crusty' as the typical Trandoshan Voice.

Whether he liked-it-or-not, Tar Forn was never a natural born killer like his kin expected him to be. He was no Bossk at all. Although Tar has a bit of a temper, he was never a bloodthirsty-killer. He found himself sparing more targets than killing them. Though, he remembered the day when Commander Trio (one of the first few Clones to be bred not long after Jango's DNA Template was used for the Clone army) visited Trandosha for a distress signal with Jedi Masters: Pitom Trunks, and Coleman Trebor, and the three of them took Tar away from Trandosha and to the Jedi Academy.

Though, that's a story for another time...

Tar's attention was focused back on the battle when another series of blaster-bolts rammed into the Stopper. 

"TAR, DON'T LEAVE US HANGING!" Viok said, his Lightsaber ignited like the rest of the Jedi-Crew's. 

Tar had spaced out for a moment there, but he quickly focused back to their current situation. I can daydream later. Tar thought to himself as he ignited his Green-Lightsaber as well. 

"GO GO GO!" Tar commanded as he leaped out of cover along with the rest of the Jedi, all of their Lightsabers ignited. The Jedi rushed to Jacker, who was smiling underneath his helmet. This is what Jacker had anticipated, and this is what he had wanted.

Jacker opened fire at the incoming Jedi, Spasa blocked the blaster-bolts with ease, Waix still on her shoulders. The bolts deflected back at Jacker, though, Jacker easily dodged them swiftly as he delivered another fierce series of blaster-bolts. 

The Jedi blocked these bolts once again, but then, Jacker lowered his DL-18, simply just staring at the Jedi. The Jedi-Crew exchanged looks at each-other for a brief moment, just when the ground under them exploded in a neat wall, sending all of Jedi flying into the air, rendering most of them unconscious. 

Spasa landed, unconscious, her eyes as open as a full moon. For some reason, Spasa had always slept with her eyes wide-open, never closed, and even was she was sleep, it still felt creepy: The thought of wondering if Spasa knew you were coming into the room, if she was staring directly at you, as if she was dead almost. This always sent shivers up Tar, Viok, another Jedi companion of theirs (who we have yet to meet in this story), and Waix's spine in the past.

All of the Jedi were unconscious, except for two: Yara Gates, and Tian Yol Reef. Both Jedi attempted to crawl back, but this clearly fell flat, for the sound of Jacker's footsteps felt like the last you'd hear before an execution. 

"J-Jacker, t-take me!" Yara pleaded, who was now at the merciless Bounty-Hunter's mercy. Not such a good position to be in. 

"Just spare the o-others, p-" Yara's sentence was cut off when Jacker fired a taser at the poor-Togruta. Yara spasmed uncontrollably, the electricity surging through Yara before she fell to the ground, unconscious. Jacker then approached Tian, who was still crawling away. 

"Your turn." Jacker warned with a chuckle as he raised the taser on his wrist, about to fire it. 

Tian chuckled. "I-I have to admit, a single Bounty Hunter such as yourself managed to take on seven Jedi..." Tian admitted, a wave of shame enveloping him. "T-that's quite impressive Jacker, you-"

Jacker fired his taser at the Mon Calamari mid-sentence, Tian spasming out of control just like Yara did, until Tian was unconscious, just like the others.

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