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The Second Brother boarded his private-starfighter, the "Blackhawk," an V.1 Advanced Interceptor, a one-of-a-kind ship for the Empire. It was used by the Second Brother, and nobody else, and it was the only V.1 Advanced Interceptor in the Empire's grasp, which is how many pilots knew that whenever they were to see it, there could only be one Inquisitor behind that window. 

The Second Brother piloted the Blackhawk to a Star Destroyer, one near the Bespin System as well. After entering the hangar, out came the Second Brother, all Stormtroopers walking past the Pau'an, barely flinching, or even acknowledging the Second Brother's presence, unlike the Emperor, and Lord Vader, who was still working on establishing his place-of-command and respect among the ranks of the Empire, even though he was already in high command.

After a series of corridors and hallways, the Second Brother eventually reached a door in an empty-hallway, where the Emperor's presence awaited the Second Brother, who entered past the door as two Royal Guards stood outside of it. The doors shut behind the Second Brother, unnaturally as he entered, the Emperor's hologram sitting on a holographic-throne in front of the Second Brother. Once he was inside, the Second Brother got on one knee, kneeling before the figure of his respected-Emperor.

"The Second Brother, the second Inquisitor of our Grand Empire. Trained by the hands of your humble Emperor, and by the blade of my own apprentice, returning in word of failure of a simple-task." The Emperor finished.

"I-I apologize my lord. I was able to kill one of the Jedi, b-but the others, heh, they put up a fi-"

"You show too much respect to our enemy, Young Inquisitor. You've forgotten the true meaning of victory, for your training is far from complete." Palpatine said, clutching his right-hand as small sparks of electricity etched out. "Though, you lack more discipline than your eldest of the Inquisition, and you lack the skill for a duel. You require more training, but for an Inquisitor of the Second Age, you've brought shame upon the Inquisition, Second Brother, and I am afraid I cannot forgive that." The Emperor finished.

"G-give me another chance, m-my lord and liege. I-I can improve upon my training, I just need a foothold, i-if you kill me now, you erase the potential that I may require to finish my training, if you only gave me a chance, I-I could be everything your apprentice is, a-and more. Just let me impress you, they can't be far. Before the end of the year, they'll all be slaughtered by the blade of my Lightsaber, that I promise, my Emperor." Pleaded the Second Brother. The Emperor let out a sigh, as disappointed as he was sinister.

"Kill him." The Emperor mumbled. 

The Emperor's hologram then vanished in a flash as Royal Guards stormed into the room. The Second Brother then crawled to his feet as he ignited his double-bladed Lightsaber, getting into a battle-stance as the Royal Guards circled around him. The Second Brother then let his Lightsaber automatically spin (as it had the function to do it on its own, similar to the Grand Inquisitor's Lightsaber), and then spun-around frantically as all five-Royal Guards circled around him. The Second Brother panted as more black-liquid flowed from his mouth uncontrollably. The Second Brother then raised his Lightsaber, and made it spin around, as fast as a razor-blade as the blade remained ignited.

The Second Brother used his Lightsaber like this to hover in the air as he used it to rush-forward through the air, and then landed in front of a Royal Guard just to strike them in the torso, sending the Guard to the ground, motionless. Another Royal Guard dashed forward, and the Second Brother blocked, the Royal Guard's blade somehow able to clash with Lightsabers. The Second Brother and the Royal Guard had a good lock on with one another for seconds until another Royal Guard made it close enough to kick the Second Brother in the chest. 

The Second Brother staggered backwards as he eventually caught his balance, right before a blade swung over his head as he ducked, and tackled the Royal Guard who attempted such-attack. The Second Brother then snapped the base of the Royal Guard's neck, right when the other struck him in the eyes.

Fortunately, the Second Brother's mask was designed to cover the Second Brother's eyes, but yet, he was still able to sense his surroundings-somehow, so he was still in the duel. The Second Brother's head was forced to the wind of the blow as he was striked by the Royal Guard. The Second Brother then turned back to the Guard just to give them a blood-curdling glare from just his mouth alone, and then in a blink, the Royal Guard was sent to the ground with his blade-spear cut in half, and a scorching Lightsaber scar from the Guard's temple, to his lower right abdomen. 

The Second Brother then stood their panting, until he realized there were still two more left, who had stood in the corners, preparing for their turn. He had to admit, even when he was trying to be executed by them, the Empire's Royal Guards seemed truly honorable, and like Mandalorian, died with honor.

The last-two Royal Guards charged at the Second Brother, who was preparing an attack. The Second Brother raised his double-bladed Lightsaber, and activated a special-feature in it that he had just added after his previous-battle with the Raptor-Crew at Bespin, Cloud City. He put it into action as the blade of his Lightsaber extended to the point where even from a distance, the Royal Guards were not safe from it. One Royal Guard rolled backwards to avoid the helicopter-like Lightsaber blade that was spinning at immense speeds, while the other backed away slowly, being too distracted by the flashing of the red saber. 

The Royal Guard's foot was sliced by the saber, sending him to the ground as the next-spin sliced open the chest of the Royal Guard, leaving a scorching-mark tearing through the Royal Guard's armor, and flesh. The Second Brother then deactivated the "helicopter modification," for he could only use it for a short duration, or else his Lightsaber's hilt would overheat.

The last Royal Guard then slowly backed away as the Second Brother advanced towards him. The Royal Guard then twirled forward as he swung his spear-blade at the Second Brother, who blocked with ease at this point. The Guard then swung to the right with another twirl, the weight of this blow stronger than the last, nearly knocking the Second Brother off his feet. 

The Royal Guard then did an overhead blow at the Second Brother, and the Second Brother was getting ready to block, but then came up with an idea. The Second Brother vaulted over the Royal Guard, and started to choke him with his own spear. the Royal Guard headbutted the Second Brother, and plunged his vibro-spear's blade at the Second Brother's chest.

Now, the Second Brother snatched the head of the spear in time, and struggled as the Royal Guard attempted to plunge it directly into the Second Brother's flesh. 

The Second Brother then kept struggling as he was backed into a wall, still holding the head of the spear with his bare hands, grunting and panting as the Royal Guard glared at him with all of his emotions hidden. However, one thing that the Second Brother could sense from behind the mask of the Royal Guard, was that he was beginning to grow overconfident. The Second Brother smirked as he struggled, and finding a way to take advantage of this: Sweeped the Royal Guard off his feet, sending him to the ground.

The Second Brother then force-launched the Royal Guard up into the ceiling. The Royal Guard then tumbled to the ground as his helmet stuck to him like glue. The Second Brother approached the Royal Guard as he attempted to crawl-backwards and retreat somehow. The Second Brother smirked as he stepped on the Royal Guard's back, bringing a dead-halt to his crawl. The Royal Guard then turned to stare at the Second Brother.

"H-heh..." The Royal Guard started to speak, something Royal Guards rarely did among the Empire's standards. 

"Y-you have the true spirit of a Inquisitor, b-but you're mercy shall prove most d-disappointing Young I-" 

The Second Brother cut off the Royal Guard's sentence by impaling his neck with his Lightsaber, ending the duel once and for all. The Second Brother took his Lightsaber out of his neck for a moment, still heavily-panting, or that was the case until the hologram of Palpatine sprouted out of the holo-disk.

"Brother of the Second Age," The Emperor announced, startling the Second Brother. "I've kept a close eye on your performance in that battle, and you've proved me wrong about your skills, Young Inquisitor, for it seems that I've underestimated you. You're no pushover who would be willing to let yourself get executed for something of no particular reasoning. You held your own, and for that, I am placing responsibility on you to take care of the six Jedi Traitors." The Second Brother stared at Palpatine's hologram in shock, deactivating his Lightsaber, and putting the hilt of his Lightsaber back on his belt.

"And remember, I am no more forgiving than my apprentice. If you fail before the completion of the superweapon, you lose more than just your job." Palpatine's hologram vanished into thin air.

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