A Rough Start

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The burial of Quiol and Lassin took a couple of hours, however, it was complete. Each Jedi carved their final regards to each of the dead Jedi on the bark of tree directly in front of each burial-site. When they were all finished, they returned to the shuttle they came to Takodana on. Going up the ramp to their shuttle: "The Time-Stopper," (Known for evading many Separatist-Ships in the past, and it's mobility making up for its weak defense capabilities) appears as a larger-scale-version of the A.R.C.-170 Starfighter on the outside (In comparison to an original A.R.C.-170's size, The Time Stopper is around the size of Kylo Ren's Silencer, which has yet to come until around the next 50-years from this era). Seeing the Republic's logo within the shuttle reminded them too much of the Clone's betrayal to the Jedi Order, which immensely disgusted them.

While the seven Jedi were inside of the "Time-Stopper," A few of them simply just rested in the bunk-beds in the Crew's quarters of the ship. Tian piloted the ship on his own at the main-cockpit. Spasa was resting on the second-"floor" bed of a bunk bed, when a familiar voice spoke to her from first-"floor" of the bunk-bed. "Hey Spasa..." Waix's voice said from beneath her. "I-I can't speak as of now..."

"Something's wrong with your voice?"

"N-no, I-It's..."

"About Lassin and Quiol, huh?" The curious Rodian asked, Waix was often nosy.

"H-how'd you know?"

"After the 'attack,' you've seemed down, I can't say I blame you, t-to lose somebody you've known for a long-while, in almost an instant..."

"Waix, we've already lost so much..." Spasa reminded Waix while trapped in despair.

"But you've forgotten, we can gain more. We can't grieve forever, now, we have to make a final stands for the Jedi O-"

Spasa interrupted. "There is no Jedi Order."


"Haven't you felt it? We're now seven out of almost the THOUSANDS of Jedi on a scale of that are still living, and those that were previously. The same way Lassin and Quiol perished to our Clone troopers, that's what happened to almost all of the other Jedi Knight in this gal-"

"You and the others keep saying that..." Waix interuppted back. "We haven't visited any other Jedi Temple or planet yet, how are we supposed to know that for sure Spasa? There could be an entire SQUADRON of surviving Jedi waiting to be rescued..."

"I-I would rather not find out Waix, if you're right, then, I thank you now. If you're not, then, I regret where Tian may be steering this ship Waix..."

"Hmm, then I apologize for where we're on-route for Spasa."

"O-oh n-"

"We need to try, we're going to need to rescue any Younglings, Padawan, or other Jedi Knight being held captive, or hiding in a Jedi Temple."

"B-but sadly, n-not all of the Jedi, including the little ones..." Spasa sighed, hating to come in terms with reality while still trapped in despair. "S-survived..."

"I-It won't be a sight to see Spasa, but it's for the great or good of what's left of the Jedi Order..."
Spasa sighed once more. "So be it then." Spasa was trapped in despair. Not for the last time.

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