Vendaxa, Part 1

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(Credit for the image of Vendaxa goes to Deviant Art user: HoloNet-News) After long hours of flight, Tian finally announced something: 

"Hey guys..." Tian shouted from the cockpit. 

The Jedi-Crew came rushing out of the bedroom-doors like rodents, rushing to the main-cockpit. 

"I think I found a place." Tian said, the Stopper face-to-face with a green planet.

"What is this planet?" Yara asked.

"Vendaxa, I believe." Tian answered. "It should be almost completely abandoned, no Republic amps, bases, no Separatist bases either. Nothing but wildlife, and terrain, as far as the eye can see." Tian explained, grateful that they might be the first ones there.

"Then, I believe we should be safe th-WAIT, what about the wildlife? Do you happen to know about any creatures that live there?" Spasa asked frantically.

"N-not really, however, what I do know is that we never came across a Wild Rancor the last time we headed to Dathomir, right? What are the odds that we'll come across anything as threatening, or aggressive on Vendaxa?" Tian asked. "Trust me, It's safe to say that we can stay on Vendaxa for more than a few days, and we can leave when-ready." Tian said with glee and confidence, for he really believed they'd be safe and sound there."

"Well, what are you waiting for? We'd better get there before we're spotted by anybody else..." Tar said.

Tian nodded, and flew straight into Vendaxa's orbit, once within the planet, Tian landed the Stopper on a soft, grassy hill, and opened up the ramp for everybody to get off. Once the Jedi-Crew was off the Stopper, they took a good look around, noticing that Vendaxa's main terrain was a lush, watery-plain.

The plain was a grassland, but it had a few trees, and the lakes and ponds here-and-there resembled a swamp, but a grassland at the same time. The air felt wet-and-humid, but at least breathable. 

"So this is Vendaxa..." Lepaik said aloud.

"I have to say, it's not bad here, it's just those lakes give me a bad feeling, for they look big-enough for something to be living in them." Spoke Lepaik. "T-that, we're not the only beings h-"

"I'll start unloading our cargo." Tar (unintentionally) interrupted, rushing back up the ramp to grab some of their cargo. 

"I'll do the same..." Spasa said. 

"I'll scout the area for food, we're going to need as much as we can get if we're going to bunk here." Waix said, walking down the hill, and to a pond, igniting his Lightsaber as he approached.

Lepaik sighed, and walked to the side of a tree, and sat-down in front of it, leaning against it. Yara noticed Lepaik, and approached the Aqualish Jedi. "Lepaik, are you alright?" Yara asked.

"Y-yeah, it's just, there's something off about this place..." Lepaik said. "I-It doesn't feel right, I feel like there's something hiding in that lake, or watching us from a distance..." Lepaik admitted, paranoid of these lush-surroundings. 

"I can relate, this does-feel, unnatural, after ALL things this galaxy has thrown at us, it's quite obvious that a planet like this has a catch to it." Yara admitted, for she understood how Lepaik felt.

Lepaik let out a sigh. "Well, at least it's not Tatooine."

Yara chuckled. "That's an good enough advantage to me." Yara spoke, smiling like she never has before when away from Lepaik. If the Aqualish had more visible-mouths, and could smile, that's what Lepaik would be doing as of now. The rest of the Jedi-Crew finished unloading the cargo, and set up camp near a lake.

Lepaik's what-could-be smile would vanish right about now as the rest of the crew left him alone. "I've got a bad feeling about this..." Said Lepaik.

They stayed at Vendaxa for a few weeks, their camp set up like it belonged to the Republic. As they stayed on Vendaxa, the Jedi-Crew lived what appeared to be a normal life, helping each-other out, Tar and Viok fussing at each-other every now and then, Spasa acting as her normal anti-social self around the Jedi.

Lepaik and Yara had developed a larger bond with one another the longer they stayed at Vendaxa. Waix had collected freshwater for them, and he had also hunted smaller life-forms known as the Lemnai, according to Tian's database. 

That meant that they weren't the first ones to Vendaxa, but at the same time, it still remained a safe-haven to them, in which they stayed at for a full month, a perfect place for them to hide from the troubles of the endless galaxy. That was until their first dangerous encounter, and here's how it went:

Spasa sighed as she wrote into her journal, where she recorded everything that happened during the Clone Wars, and what was happening currently at Vendaxa. Waix once again was setting out to hunt for their food while the others remained at the camp, however, the Jedi-Crew started to dread the taste of Lemnai, so this time, Waix decided to set-out to attempt to hunt for something else other than the Lemnai.

Waix rushed forward into the plains ahead, his Green-Lightsaber ignited and ready to kill. Waix then stopped, and held out his hand to sense any-nearby lifeforms. He grunted when he felt the same energy that he did for the Lemnai, and decided to set-out farther away from their camp, a mistake that he did not realize until it was too late. Waix rushed out into the plains, until it found something they (miraculously) haven't found during their full-month at Vendaxa: A incredibly-large lake, surrounded by a forest.

"Jack-pot..." Waix said to himself as he rushed forward to the direction of the lake-forest, and he stopped as soon as he ran to it. He then explored the forest, and spotted a few Lemnai rushing into nearest bushes and burrows as soon as they spot the Rodian, who was making his way to the lake.

Waix stopped in front of it, and looked around as the planet became dead-silent. He then looked around, and was so desperate for a successful find, that he didn't notice the large, green head that had poked from the lake, staring at Waix.

Then, before Waix could react, the beast lunged out of the water, and shoved Waix into the bark of a tree, and then slammed one of its claws into Waix's skull, rendering him unconscious as the beast then hung Waix upside-down on a tree, ready to eat Waix, as soon as it finished its pile of Lemnai.

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