Bespin, Part 1

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The Velociraptor exited the orbit of Mustafar as Maverim sat in the pilot's seat. Spasa walked into her bedroom, and then shut the door, locking the controls from the inside before anybody else could enter. Of course, this didn't bring much concern on the rest of the Jedi, as they were used to her edginess by now.

However, Spasa had seemed in a much, better mood by now, since unless Waix was hallucinating, he remembered a small grin spreading across Spasa's face before she entered the bedroom.

However, the Jedi had a larger-task at hand, in comparison to Spasa's current mood. Tian sat in the main-cockpit with Maverim as the Nautolan piloted the Raptor with ease. Unfortunately for Tian, Maverim was a much better pilot than he was, bringing a small tsunami of shame upon the poor Mon Calamari.

Maverim smirked as he flipped on multiple switches to activate the Hyperdrive.

"WE'RE HEADING INTO HYPERSPACE EVERYONE, HOLD ON!" Tian shouted to the rest of the crew.

Tian slid into his seat as the Raptor jumped into hyperspace, flying at great speeds through space until they reached the orbit of Bespin. Maverim then flew the Raptor straight into the orbit of Bespin, and once inside, the Raptor was now soaring through the gas-planet of Bespin.

In Bespin, it seemed that if you were to fall, you'd never land. Apart from Cloud City, it appeared that Bespin didn't have a ground of any sort. Not even high mountains for any wildlife to live on, or so it appeared from this height.

As Tian stared out the window, Tian wondered what type of biome Bespin was, and that if it wasn't any they knew of, if there was even such thing as a cloud-biome. Yeah, although it might've been a good-question, it still felt like a stupid-question if said aloud, which is why Tian kept his mouth shut.

Maverim kept flying the ship through the endless-clouds of Bespin, and eventually, he began to wonder if Bespin had any ground, or outer-layers besides an endless-sky. After 5-more-minutes of flight, Maverim eventually began to see a dark, large-figure in the distance. Maverim squinted his eyes, and then recognized it. Maverim then shouted out to the entire crew once more: "Guys! You might want to co-" 

Spasa immediately came walking out of the living quarters, and marched to the main-cockpit, and then took a good look at the figure ahead as she squinted her eyes.

That was when Tian had noticed something about Spasa: Her hair was much shorter than before. "S-spasa...?" Tian asked in a stammer. 

"Yes?" Spasa responded.

"What happened to your hair...?"

"Oh, this?" Spasa asked. "Well, we're going to need to have a disguise of some-sort. Remember, they sent out a message to the Mustafar System with our faces on it, or, so I think. I don't know who it reached, but you can never be too sure, or too confident, or too cocky..." Spasa answered.

"Wait, you do realize that making your hair shorter isn't going to disguise your entire face, right?" Lepaik asked as him and the other Jedi rushed to the main-cockpit.

"W-well, y-you have a point, and..." Spasa paused to think. "Yeah, that's a good question." Spasa admitted. "But, I was thinking we're going to need a disguise once there, we can't just rush there in Jedi Robes, we'll be hunted down. We're going to need some new clothing so we can't be identified as Jedi Knight anymore." Spasa suggested without hesitation.

"She has a point." Lepaik admitted. "But where are we going to find new clothes?"

Spasa turned to give Lepaik a smile, a smile that the Jedi-Crew has never actually seen Spasa pull off before. It was pretty odd for her to smile the way she did as well, she normally almost never smiled, and it came as a neat surprise when the Jedi saw a big grin spread across her face. They didn't know why, but Spasa seemed in a much better mood, and it was for a perfectly good reason as well.

 They didn't know why, but Spasa seemed in a much better mood, and it was for a perfectly good reason as well

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(The picture you see above, I did not draw myself. I only changed the colors of the Zabrak drawing to make it match Spasa, and the facial-features of this Zabrak match Spasa's very well. The actual person behind the original drawing of this image is a Deviantart User. If I ever find their username again, I'll put it here to give them specific-credit.)

"Well, a few weeks ago, there was a report of a seven Bounty Hunters that attempted to rob the storage crates on Cloud City. They were stopped by Clone troopers of course, and each and every one of them died. However, the Clones decided to head-out and report what had happened, just to find out that the bodies had vanished after one of the stabilizers of Cloud City had malfunctioned. Spasa stood up straight and kept talking. "Fortunately, the stabilizers were repaired in time, but those seven Bounty Hunters were never heard from again. If we can locate their bodies, we can take their clothing so we can avoid being identified as Jedi." Spasa completed.

"W-wow..." Viok stammered in disbelief. "Spasa, what really concerns me is when did you find the time to come up with all of that?"

Spasa smirked the same way she had just did so seconds-ago. "I wasn't just cutting my hair the entire time in that bedroom, what else did you think I was up to?" Spasa answered with a question. 

"Once again, you have a point." Viok stated. "However, where could've their bodies gone? How do we know that their bodies haven't been buried, or taken by somebody else?" Spasa let out a sigh.

"I-I don't know for sure, however, we have to give it a shot. However, I have a theory: Their bodies could've of slid under the opening of a trapdoor, which could've lead to another level of cargo, one that's very low and tunneled into Cloud City, and perhaps even completely abandoned." Spasa theorized.

"That could be the case. However, how come the Clones didn't attempt to find their bodies before giving up?" Yara questioned.

"Well, they could've either gotten too occupied with another emergency operation, or, maybe they were just lazy." Spasa suggested.

"Eh, that works out for me alright." Maverim said. "If a Ex-General of the Republic can toss me orders, I'll trust them, except for Clones..." Maverim started to laugh, but then was interrupted when the rest of the Jedi-Crew shot him some pretty dirty looks, commanding him to stop.

Cold sweat trickled down Maverim's head-tentacles as he lowered his head, and then immediately turned his face to match a serious look, and then turned around to keep flying the Raptor forward.

Then, the shadow figure was in clear perspective, and this is what the Jedi saw: Cloud City. Cloud Cars swarmed the air as they flew all over Cloud City, circling in all directions. Spasa let out a sigh of relief. Hang in there Tar... Spasa thought to herself. We're coming to save you...

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