The Kingdom of Vash, Part 1

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(I do not own the image used above, for it was actually made by a user on Pinterest. However, it comes close enough to matching the Kingdom of Vash's description, which is why I decided to pick it. Other than that, enjoy!).

"Tell me, are they going to be okay...!?" Tar asked as he hurriedly walked to one of the Vashian Healers, standing outside of the medical chamber as the injured members of the Raptor Crew were hurried inside by the rest of the Vashian Healers as white, bird-like creatures flew outside of the castle in a flock towards the rising sun.

"W-we are not sure, but we shall do the best we can to assure their survival..." The Vashian Healer responded, the Vashian Healers wearing a mixture of a robe gown and armor. Tar responded with a nod as the Vashian Healer opened the door and headed inside, the door closing behind the Healer as VC-53 stood behind, looking up to face Tar.

Tar let out a sigh as he reached down to stroke the astromech's back as VeeCee beeped in agony, Tar letting go as he stared at the shaking, beeping droid.

VeeCee beeped, speaking in binary as he talked with Tar Forn, who was squinting his eyes in discomfort as he let out another sigh.

"I wish they could too..." Tar responded as he thought intensely, reaching for something in his back pockets. 

VeeCee beeped in confusion as he noticed Tar take out what looked like a chip, and neatly and gently pushed it into a dispenser slot on VeeCee's chest. The chip installed itself as his VC-53's dispenser closed itself immediately afterwards as a hologram suddenly sprouted out of VeeCee's hologram projector. 

It was a hologram playback of a moment from the Clone Wars. It showed Jedi Master Potem Trunks, a Nikto Jedi Master who wielded two green Lightsabers, and helped train Tar Forn shortly after the demise of Master Trebor at the battle of Geonosis.

Potem stood up straight in the hologram with his hands held in front of him like royalty as he began to talk:

"If you're hearing this, you have found yourself in times of distress..." Potem started. "Believe me, nobody is immune to struggle, heartbreak, tragedies, and adversaries, but all of those things are not the true enemy. There is no true enemy, except for one. The only enemy there is, is fear. The source of darkness and corruption starts off with fear." Spoke Potem in the hologram.

The source of anger starts with fear. It's something that infest the body of any sentient being alive, such as yourself. Now, I don't know what you've gotten yourself into, but you've certainly already proven yourself by finding this holo transmission to begin with, so let me give you my last words of advice for your troubles, and what troubles you might have to come: If things are looking desperate, and you need a place to gain strength and recover, follow the coordinates I'm dispatching to whatever unit or machine you've been playing this transmission on. I cannot reveal to you what awaits you there, but that's not my field, it's yours. Good luck, and may the force be with you." Potem finished as the recorded transmission came to an end, the hologram of Potem Trunks in his brown robes descending back into VeeCee's holo projector faster than light.

VeeCee looked down, Tar rubbing his chrome head as the Trandoshan stood up straight again, staring down at VeeCee. "Master Trunks used to tell me sayings like that all the time, and although I've heard better, they never ceased to give me a false sense of hope. A hope that could inspire actions that can turn the tides of a battle, of a war. The 'war' part never happened, but it had its potential, and it awaits inside all of us. You have that power too, and I plead that you take advantage of it." Tar explained thoroughly.

VeeCee beeped for about twenty seconds, speaking to Tar Forn in Binary.

"Heh, out of everybody I know, I think you're the only somebody I know who can see any good in a Pau'an like Massius, but I see your point." Responded Tar as Izeala suddenly came from behind the corner, walking to Tar.

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