A Dogfight, Part 2

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Viok coughed and gaged as smoke puffed into his face, laughing at his attempts to fix the power generator within the ventilation system of the Stopper. "VIOK!" An impatient Tar Forn yelled from the cockpit. "HURRY UP WITH THAT GENERATOR OR I'LL-"

"Heh, now Tar, l-let's leave Viok to his....particular talents..." Waix called over tensely from the West Turbo laser cockpit. 

Viok could overhear more of Tar's yelling from the vents, Did I just hear something about Tar snapping my - eh, probably nothing... Viok lied to himself. 

Unlike Lepaik, he would lie to himself, and anybody else as long as it felt "reassuring" enough. That was yet to put them into a tighter grasp in a future-situation. Waix aimed his turbo laser canon, and readied to fire, but then realized that they had low power, and backed down. As Viok kept at fixing the generator for the Stopper, he could still overhear more yelling from the main-cockpit where Tian was piloting: 

"WE'RE SITTING DUCKS TAR, WE-" Tian's provoked voice was drowned out by even more rattling of the ship's exterior, they were hit again.

I need to hurry!!! Viok thought warily. He wouldn't want to picture what would happen if he failed. Fortunately enough though, one silver lining is that if he did fail this, the ship's destruction would already kill him before Tar could. 

Viok coughed as more smoke was puffed into his face. Viok was almost done, he just had to re-wire the last burned up core, and shove the spare one into its slot, except, the problem was, the cord wasn't long enough to fit into the slot. Viok grunted, they had little time to re-generate the power and shields before the Jedi-Crew died with the Stopper.

Viok struggled, yanking the spare cord with all of his power and might, the generator laughing at his attempts, as it appeared. Viok breathed heavily on his back. He then grunted, and yanked the power generator forward. He then snatched the spare cord, and slammed it into slot, the generator full of charge once again as it shared its energy with the rest of the ship. 

"YES! We're back in the fight! Prepare for battle!" Tian yelled from the main-cockpit. 

Viok breathed heavily as he crawled back down the vents, and climbed back into the main-cockpit's floor vent, climbing out the ground, it appeared.

With the ship's powered restored, Tian stopped flying the ship through asteroids hopelessly, and steered the Stopper around to face the Clone troopers in their ARC-170 starfighters. Tian opened fire on the ARC-170s with the main light blaster cannons attached to the main-cockpit, taking out one Clone's ship as the others flew around, and attempted to fire another series of Ion Torpedoes. 

Tian grunted, Not this time... Tian thought resentfully. Tian began to charge a seismic blast. 

"Hang on!" Tian announced to the rest of the Jedi-Crew. 

Tian flipped a switch, a seismic charge unleashing from all around the Stopper, taking out all of the power of surrounding Clone Starfighters, rendering them useless sitting ducks for the kill.

As soon as Spasa and Waix noticed the seismic charge spread from around the Stopper, they immediately pointed each of their turbo laser cannons at the last two ARC-170 Clone Starfighters. That's when they pressed the trigger, taking out both Clone Starfighters. 

The dogfight was complete, however, their survival was never going to remain that easy later. 

Tian sighed in relief alongside the rest of the Jedi-Crew. Waix leaned back on his chair in the West Turbo laser cockpit, overconfident with his aim this time around. Spasa appeared as the only one who didn't look relieved or glad, instead, she leaned forward on the small desk directly in front of her in the East Turbo laser cockpit and rested her head on her right palm as she rested the other on the desk, and looked down.

Tar approached Tian with a cheeky grin on his lizard-face. Tian looked confused as he looked over his shoulder to look at Tar Forn. "I have to say Fish-Head." Tar commented as Tian gave Tar a curious look "You're not the best pilot." There was an awkward pause.

"Though, you're also not the worst." Tar finished with the same cheeky grin on his face. Tian grinned back awkwardly, speechless on how to respond without sounding sappy, or ruining the silence. If anybody said that to you, it wouldn't feel like a kind remark, however, hearing those words come out of Tar Forn's mouth, was a whole different feeling for Tian. However, the Jedi Temple was still ahead, and they had to get there fast. "Lepaik, hit the hyperdrive..." Tian commanded with glee.

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