The Hunt

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The Raptor Crew stared at Vayla with pure hatred as Tar kept his Lightsaber ignited.

Tar snorted. "Y-You're a monster. Trying to murder your own grandson for your own selfish purposes, and now trying to brainwash and manipulate your own daughter. You don't deserve to sit on that throne of yours, somebody with a heart and mind does, not a beast like you." Tar hissed resentfully as Vashti kept her bo-rifle aimed at Vayla's head.

Vashti glared at her mother. "You brainwashed our father, didn't you?" 

Vayla smirked. "Oh...oh yes I remember that, it was quite fun considering he loved you three so much. It was torture for him to hurt you."

Tar walked in front of Vayla, pointing his Lightsaber to ner neck. "Oh, how I would love to slaughter you right now, you're sick of self-love your 'majesty'..." Threatened Tar Forn. 

Vayla raised an amused eyebrow. "Try it."

Tar bared his teeth, slowly raising his ignited Lightsaber to strike Vayla, but hesitating as he couldn't bare to do it, but knew that it was for the best as his struggle grew.

Tar slowly but surely raised his Lightsaber with both of his talon-hands, and prepared to bring down and through Vayla's chest.

He still couldn't do it.

Tar deactivated his Lightsaber and lowered it as he fell to his knees. Too many thoughts flustered through his mind, and he knew that striking an unarmed opponent was shunned upon by Jedi.

So he gave in, but not out of sensibility: Out of fear and compassion.

Vashti came behind Tar, putting a hand on Tar's shoulder. 

Vayla cackled. "What a waste." 

Vashti glowered at her mother, she raised her sword and plunged it through her mother's heart. It went through, it didn't hurt Vayla because it was an image. The-Would-Be-Vayla smirked. 

"You wouldn't have done anything anyway, Tar..." Vashti said to comfort Tar.

Tar let out a sigh as he got back to his talon-feet to turn to Vashti, a small shy smile spreading across Tar's face.

"There's nothing left that you can do against me, and your powers are inconsequential compared to mines. Quite a shame, really, for I had hoped for a better challenge, but I guess my conquest shall be easier with you and your band of traitors out of th-" Queen Vayla was cut off when the Velociraptor suddenly hovered to the throne room's level, Tian behind the pilot's seat as VeeCee sat in a different room of the ship, nurturing Vahl.

"NOOO!" Cried Vayla as a look of happiness emerged upon Tar, Vashti, and Viok's faces.

Piloting the Velociraptor, Tian aimed the Raptor's blaster canons at the throne room, opening fire at the Guards and Vayla's fake hologram as the rest of the Raptor Crew dodged out of the way of the blaster-fire, the Vashian Guards being caught in the blast and killed as the throne room was blasted into ruin, along with Queen Vayla's throne as the fake, magic-hologram of her gone when the smoke cleared.

Tian then opened the ramp to the Velociraptor while floating in midair as he rolled down the front window.

"LET'S GET OUT OF THIS PLACE! HOP IN BEFORE MORE GUARDS SHOW UP!" Shouted Tian as he kept the ramp open.

Each member of the Raptor Crew ran up the ramp and into the Velociraptor, Viok and Vashti carrying Izeala's ghostified body as they all entered into the Velociraptor.

Vashti held her older sister, Izeala looked horrendous, her skin was practically translucent, and her eyes were open but they showed no white, they were black. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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