Vash, Part 2

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The Elite Stormtroopers stood in the back-lines, only two of two of them rushing to the front-lines in attempt to attack Izeala, who was in front. Izeala had no problem dancing through the Imperials, cutting them down with ease. She was terrifying, yet beautiful to watch.

The Stormtroopers in the back opened fire at the Jedi as the Royal Guards advanced. The Jedi were a little weaker due to the injuries that they endured in the crash of the Velociraptor, but they were still able to fight enough to hold their own, for now.

One of the Royal Guards charged at Tar Forn, him and the Royal Guard engaging in a duel, the Royal Guard's spear capable of clashing with Lightsabers. Tar was a little weaker like everybody else due to the crash, but he could still fight as he engaged in the duel, clashing his Lightsaber with the Royal Guard's vibro-spear as they fought.

The Royal Guard swung their spear in a vigorously-elegant way, and with Tar weakened, it was almost an equal-fight. Another Royal Guard engaged in a duel with Spasa, the last charging at Waix as the Guard and Waix dueled it out. 

Massius approached Izeala, viciously and menacingly twirling his Lightsaber, violently streaking it against the grass as he approached Izeala with his red double-bladed Lightsaber already ignited. Izeala grunted as she readied to kill Massius, the Second Brother with no lighter intent as they clashed sabers and fought. Meanwhile, Yara and Viok deflected the bolts of the Stormtroopers as they advances towards them, the battle scaring away nearby Biroars and Vivicaims.

Tar swung his Lightsaber upwards, the Royal Guard blocking as they followed Tar's attack up with kick to Tar's chest, causing him to stagger as the Royal Guard smacked him with the hilt of his spear.

The Royal Guard then swung his spear to right swiftly as Tar rolled under it, and got back to his talon-feet behind the Royal Guard as the Guard swiftly whipped around and swung his spear from left-to-right in a elegant but deadly manner as Tar struggled to block the attacks with his Lightsaber, although he managed to it in the end.

Tar was a very skilled Lightsaber dueler, but after the injury he's beared with after the crash, he was a lot weaker, and currently not in shape for a battle: None of the Raptor Crew members were after the crash, but yet, they still held their own in the battle, so far.

Viok deflected multiple blaster-bolts as him and Yara engaged towards the Elite Stormtroopers, the Stormtroopers beginning to back-up as they kept firing. Viok eventually limped towards the closest Elite Trooper, and with a swift-blow to the neck, beheaded the man.

The other Stormtroopers looked shocked as they exchanged glances, and then raised their blasters and continued to open-fire upon the Jedi. Yara and Viok charged towards them, just when one of the Stormtroopers threw a taser-charge at Viok's hands, causing him to spasm uncontrollably as he dropped his Lightsaber, but he got close enough to body slam into one of the Stormtroopers, but the other one simply turned around and shot him in the chest when he had landed on his back.

"VIOK!" Yara shouted as the Stormtrooper turned to her, and fired as Yara repeatedly blocked the bolts. 

Izeala twirled her own double-bladed lightsaber, glowering at the Inquisitor before her. Massius treaded towards Izeala like a zombie as his automatic spinning double-bladed red Lightsaber spun on its own with a press of a button for Massius as his Lightsaber streaked the grass, dirt, and rock that resided beneath them, as the Second Brother suddenly lunged forward, and engaged in battle with Izeala.

Izeala and Massius vigorously swung their Lightsabers at each-other, each dueler swinging in multiple different directions as fast as lightning as they blocked each-other's attacks, Izeala now realizing that Massius has mastered Izeala's strength: Massius was as equally powerful as Izeala, perhaps even more, but they had yet to find out. Yara force-pushed the Elite Stormtrooper into a tree ahead as she rushed to Viok's aid.

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