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(By the way, credit for this entire part goes to user @Enity126 . He's now been officially casted as Cooker, since it's his OC to begin with. I only made a few edits to part of this part, but it's original concept was created by Enity. Although this is apart of the story, credit for the characters and dialogue in this part goes to him, and we were both on-board with the idea, so I decided to bring his OC into the story the same way I did with the user who created Izeala, who's casted as Izeala.)

Cooker walked in into an office of a high ranking Imperial. Cooker just walked in and stood there waiting for the Officer to call him in for the planned-meeting. Finally, the conversation between another Imperial and the Officer came to a conclusion, right when Cooker walked in.

Perfect timing.

"Hello, my name is Warchin. Please, have a seat." Warchin said, forcing a polite smile.

"Just tell me what this job is and I'll be in and out..." Cooker said having no taste for pleasantries. 

"Alright then, we want you to take down, a Jedi purge survivor, former general Tar Forn."

Tar Forn.

The name sounded familiar, but he couldn't remember where from. Of course the name sounds familiar, stupid! It's a jedi! You've served with Jedi before! Thought Cooker.

"And we want him killed. He's been, quite troublesome to say the least." Warchin was saying. Cooker hated that he wasn't able to remember stuff very good, because of his head injury which he acquired shortly after the Clone Wars.

Who cares if this "Tar" sounds familiar! He's just another Jedi, that's all! Wait, but haven't the Jedi done nothing wrong!...? Pssh, yeah right. They commanded a slave army, and for pity's sake and did lots more stuff wrong then that! Anyways, we need the credits! Accept the job then worry about it later! Cooker thought, his mind attempting to process the current information.

"So as I was saying we need you-er.... want you to take down Tar Forn, permanently. " Warchin explained.

"So what's the pay?" Cooker asked.

"25,000 credits."

"50 ,000 take it or leave it." Cooker said.

 Warchin sighed. He had been expecting this. He had hoped Cooker would take the job for 25,000 credits, but there was no arguing with Cooker. His so called "brother" Boba Fett charged a lot more. 

A lot, lot more.

"Okay, you're accepted then." Warchin said as he held out his thumb, waiting for Cooker to take a sample of his blood as a contract for the special-job.

Cooker took the sample and walked outside, eyes hardening under his helmet. The Jedi were the cause of Clone Troopers not having proper Mandalorian lives.

They were the reason most Clone Troopers had such short-lives. But that's not the truth, the truth... They were responsible for what happened to him.

They were the reason Cooker wasn't even a proper Clone Trooper, much less a Mandalorian warrior. The Jedi were the reason Cooker had gotten his head injury, they were the reason he was "mentally unstable." This was just another job, but he would make sure to make the Jedi suffer, like he already had. He had killed Jedi before. This wouldn't be much more difficult, for it was just another Jedi.

Tar was going to regret ever becoming a Jedi. 

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