Takodana, Part 2: The First Blow

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Eventually, each Jedi fell into a deep-sleep as the Clones decided to go for Lassin first, as he was the oldest out of all of them, so he had more experience as a Jedi Knight (28-years old). The Clones didn't want to awaken the other Jedi, so Trio and the other Clones snatched Lassin by both feet, and dragged him off into the forest. 

Lassin suddenly awoken, noticing that he was being dragged. He attempted to get back to his feet, but was forced down by the Clones, who threw a net over his head as they beated him, punching his skull with such force that his consciousness couldn't stay in control.

Lassin tried to shout for help, but was silenced as the Clones electrocuted him with the taser net, Lassin spasming uncontrollably as his screams were muffled. Quiol, a Weequay Jedi who wielded a green Lightsaber suddenly awakened due to the sudden noise that ejected him from his dreams. 

Quiol staggered to his feet as he turned to see Lassin trapped in a electrical net, the Clones surrounding him as they continuously activated it, tasing Lassin again and again as his screams were muffled, attempting to knock out Lassin again, but Lassin was putting up a fight. Quiol felt in a daze after being asleep for hours, but he strained his eyes, hoping that he wasn't seeing what he had thought he was. Quiol snatched his Lightsaber off his belt as he approached the Clones, Lassin still thrashing and spasming uncontrollably.

"Commander, what's the meaning of this...?" Quiol asked as he walked. The Clones stopped to stare at Quiol, his emotions hidden by their helmets. The Clones stared at Lassin to Quiol, back-and-forth. The Clones' gaze then rested upon Quiol. 

"Commander...?" Quiol asked again, starting to feel uneasy. Commander Trio stared at Quiol as Trio approached. Trio walked up to Quiol, and put his right-hand on Quiol's shoulder, staring at him. 

"General Rass..." Trio started. Quiol raised and eyebrow.

"I sentence you to death."

Trio smacked Quiol in the face, causing Quiol to be whipped around as he clutched his jaw in a spiraling pain, and then ignited his Lightsaber and turned around to swing it, Trio ducking the attack, and kicked Quiol off the ground. Trio got to his feet, and then ordered the other Clones to stand down as he shot Quiol in the head with his blaster-rifle. 

Trio then turned to Lassin, who was still spasming on the ground. Each Clone aimed their blaster at Lassin, and opened fire, Lassin being shot as scorch-marks ignited his entire body, and he never budged again.

The other Jedi proceeded to awaken as they immediately saw the dead bodies of Quiol and Lassin. The Jedi got to their feet, gazing in shock as their world was starting to crumble in a bumbling mess, for they had been betrayed. 

"OPEN FIRE!" Commander Trio ordered as the clones raised their blasters at the seven remaining Jedi, a herd of blaster-bolts coming their way as Tar, Tian, Spasa and Viok rushed behind the same tree, the other three Jedi taking cover behind a different one. The blaster-bolts failed to impale through the sturdy trunks of both trees, however, they couldn't take that many blows forever.

Spasa looked traumatized as she managed to peak around the corner for a few seconds, and get a closer look at the dead bodies of Quiol and Lassin. She had known Quiol for almost a decade now, she couldn't believe it. She was expecting ANY sign of remorse among their Clones for that, but none. We're going to die today... Spasa thought to herself in horror as she turned to notice something else. Tar's gone... Spasa thoughtAt the place Tar had used to stand, he had vanished.

A green Lightsaber ignited in the distance, a green one, Tar gripping it with a single hand. Commander Trio and the Clones halted their fire, and turned to face him. Commander Trio and his Clones opened fire at Tar Forn, Tar deflecting the blaster fire with his lightsaber. The deflected blaster bolts would strike and kill all of the Clone troopers ahead, except for Commander Trio, who persistently kept firing. Tar wouldn't give in either, he advanced until he managed to slice Trio's blaster in half.

Now at Tar's mercy, Trio wouldn't raise his hands to surrender, even with Tar ready to murder him at any rate. Tar pointed his lightsaber at Commander Trio's neck. "You fight by our side for almost a decade." Tar spoke aggressively. "Save our heads in countless situations, help us when nobody else would.

Negotiate us from being SOLD for a few Banthas...and yet, today, you suddenly eradicate TWO of the Republic's generals, and attempt to bring us down with them. I've never seen treason, as bad as this Commander." Commander Trio stood there, not speaking for a moment, his helmet hiding any facial expressions, the other Jedi stepping out of cover. "Good clones follow orders, General Forn." Commander Trio spoke. "You were the ones who betrayed us, and now we're doing what is right, and taking the rightful orders we were given, the ones that we agree with."

"What are you on to...!?" Tar questioned impatiently.

"The Jedi were planning a mass genocide today, we only did this to protect the galaxy: From you."

"HAVE YOU GONE INSANE, COMMANDER!?" Tar shouted. "We were never going to plan such thing, and how could you slaughter two of our friends just because you accused us of something so unreasonably dumb that you never took it into consideration, not even wondering if what you're about to do is wrong on ANY levels! Or if your theory was ever even true to BEGIN with!?" Explained Tar, the blade of his Lightsaber edging dangerously close to Trio's neck.

"I may be as shocked as you are, but you were going to plan this, you and the entire Jedi Order. Even though you've stopped me, you're not going to stop the rest of the Clones throughout the galaxy, you're too late for that General..."

Tar's eyes widened in shock. He suddenly felt it. Thousands more Jedi across the galaxy getting shot dead by their own clones. Tar clutched his stomach, he felt the need to throw up. He felt horrible, and something told him that the other Jedi stepping out from the trees behind him sensed it too. "Every Clone will pay with their lives..." Tar spoke grimly. 

"Now General Forn, that's not the Jedi way..." Commander Trio said with pride.

"CT-0333, how could you do this after so much we've done for each-other, all the battles we have fought by our side, t-this is treasonous Commander Trio." Tar spoke resentfully.

"Tar..." Spasa said to Tar Forn. "What do we do now?" Tar grunted in more resentment. It still felt like this all happened too fast.

Tar turned to CT-0333/ Commander Trio. "Commander Trio, YOU are relieved of duty. Leave now, and never come back. Don't you dare to show your face to us again." Tar ordered. Commander Trio turned, and began to walk away. Before he got far enough, Tar made sure to force-push him into a tree, sending him flying through the air until Trio smashed into a tree, tumbling into a lake, drifting down to the bottom, unconscious.

"Now what General Forn?" Asked a curious Viok.

"We must go into hiding, find survivors, and find some answers..." Tar responded. "All we know as of now is that the Clone troopers, I don't know what happened, what they're planning, but they're killing all of the Jedi off the face of the galaxy..." Tar explained

"But none of this makes sense, WHO could've caused this?" Asked Tian Reef, a Mon Calamari who wielded a yellow Lightsaber, who's sworn to protect General Forn. "After knowing us, the Clones can't just turn on us like that!" 

"All I know in this mess is that NONE of us are safe! Listen, I would love to have a pity-party for all of this, but did you guys also forget that we lost TWO OF OUR FRIENDS! Quiol and Lassin... T-they didn't deserve this...Before we run, l-let's bury them please..." Viok announced in grief and despair. 

"H-he's right  you know," Spasa said.

Tar sighed, "We'll do it then."

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