Chapter 5

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TIM POV: Three years... Only three years in West Monroe correctional facitily for DUI, Underage drinking, and Reckless Homicide.... 

Reckless Homicide... 

I've been out for about nine months, and it's been hell. I try to avoid anyone who might know me from High School. I tried to get an associates degree through one of the programs in the jail, but I couldn't focus. Not with the burden over my head... Not to mention, the constant fights I always wound to be the center of.

I'm moving to Nashville... It's pretty much a done deal now. While incarcerated, I learned how to play guitar. It was kind of an escape of sorts. So now, I'm going to try my luck. I've got nothing to lose... 

"You sure you want to go?" Mom asks. 

"I'm sure." 

"Make sure to call." 

"I will Ma" I say, giving her a kiss on the cheek, before heading out to my pickup truck full of my possessions. I'm eager to get out of this town, coated with bitter memories. Maybe if I don't make it in Nashville, I can just fall silent and blend in. That's a good plan B. 

The bright lights glare off of my windshield as I pull up to my Broadway apartment. I can tell by the look of the building that it's a shit apartment, but you can't beat the view. Every part of Broadway is visible from here. 

I grab a few boxes and head to the landlord's office. He hands me the keys, then proceeds to go back to screaming at his girlfriend. I walk up and open the door to my apartment. It's outdated, small, and dusty, but it should work for now. 

I manage to unload everything and set up the majority of my apartment. I decide to go down to one of the bars for a bite to eat. I haven't drank since that night, so that's not high on my to-do list. 

It's about eleven at night when I walk in, which means everyone is drunk... 

"Hey, can I get a menu?" I ask the bartender. He nods and grabs one from behind me. He has a toothpick wobbling in his mouth as he does so.

"You new here?"

"Can you tell?" I laugh. 

"Yep. Especially with the LSU t-shirt." He points to my shirt while twisting the toothpick. "Well, welcome to Music city." He says, walking to taking someone elses order. The girl sitting next to me sounds like an absolute wreck. She's out with her friend, and from what I can tell, somebody left her. 

"Why him?" She says, drunk off her ass. 

"I don't know honey," says her friend. "but at least you knew him." Never mind. Somebody died. I was close. 

"That's such bullshit. I mean, honestly. It's like a teaser... I got to see what life was going to be like with him, and then..." She says. She's starting to slur her words. I pray she is not driving... The irony of that thought. . . 

"Hey!" Her friend yells at the bartender. 

"What can I do for you, Jen?"

"Can I get two more shots of tequila?" Her friend asks, while handing her a tissue. Part of me wants to come out and say that they shouldn't be drinking anymore, but that would probably end with me getting kicked out.  The bartender gives them their shots. 

"Hey, I got to go to the bathroom. You okay?" Jen says to the girl. 

"Yeah, I'll just stay here." 

"You sure?"

"Yeah." The girl says. Her friend disappears to the back of the bar, leaving her alone. I look over to make sure the girl is okay. She looks wasted. "What are you looking at?" She fires at me. I shrug quickly out of shock. My god, that girl is an attentive drunk. 

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