Chapter 47

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FAITH POV: I can hear Tim talking to Kendricks in the hallway. He's upset with me, although he won't tell me directly. I try to remember as much as I can, but I can't remember much. I don't know who those girls are, or who Tim is really. Something about him makes me trust him. Scott would've thought I was insane for trusting a total stranger. 

Tim walks into the room and sits down beside me. 

"Hey." He says, sounding aggravated. 

"I'm sorry..." I blurt out. He looks at me with sad eyes. 

"It's not your fault. Don't worry about it." He says, letting out a sigh. He stares at the wall across from him. 

"I have a question." I say. He looks down at me. 


"Do you know about Scott?" I ask. He nods, looking even sadder than before. "Where is he? Did we get divorced?" He opens his mouth to speak, but then proceeds to close it again. 

"Hold on a second." He says, getting up and heading into the hallway. He speaks with Kendricks for a moment, before they both come in the room. 

"Hey darlin'! How you feeling?" Kendricks asks. 

"Fine." I answer, staring at Tim. He looks like he's losing his mind. 

"So you had a question about Scott?" He asks. I nod. "Alright." He pulls up a chair and sits down beside me. Tim stands by the door, studying me. "Faith, it's 2006." Kendricks says. I laugh. 

"No it's not." I say, looking between the both of them quickly. Tim nods and bites his lip. He looks down at his feet. "No, it's... it's 1988..." I say. Tim shakes his head yet again.

"Faith, you've had a major brain injury, so we aren't expecting you to remember everything." Kendricks says. I try to think about how eighteen years managed to escape my memory. "Sweetheart, I don't know how else to tell you this..." Kendricks stops. He looks at me with the same saddened eyes that Tim's giving me. "Scott's dead." He says blandly. I'm blown away for mere seconds before the questions begin to come to my mind. 

"What happened?" I ask, feeling tears in my eyes. 

"He was mugged and stabbed after work one day." Kendricks says. 

"When?" I ask. 

" '90" He says. I look at Tim, who has his arms crossed as if to restrain himself. 

"What about Sarah?" I ask cautiously. Kendricks looks at Tim for answers. Tim shrugs his shoulders. 

"You never told me about her." He says. I lay back. 

"What's the last thing you remember?" Kendricks asks. I shut my eyes and try to think. 

"Scott and I were falling asleep. I was pregnant with Sarah at that point. I believe is was August 16th..." I say. Kendricks nods. 

"You knew what color her eyes were..." Tim says, mumbling to himself. 

"What?" I ask, trying to find more meaning within his statement. 

"I'll look back through your medical files to see if there's anything on Sarah, okay?" Kendricks says. I nod, and wipe a few tears away that managed to slip out. Kendricks leaves the room, leaving Tim and I alone. 

"I never told you about Sarah?" I ask. He shakes his head. 

"We never really talked to much about our past. You weren't very open about anything in the past." He explains. 

"Did I ever talk about my mom?" I ask, remembering the reason why I came here in the first place. He takes a moment, then shakes his head. "Have you two ever met?" I ask. I feel bad piling the questions on him, but I need answers. 

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