Chapter 26 (One Year Later)

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FAITH POV: "Gracie, can you please control Audrey for me." I say, juggling book bags, lunch boxes, a cell phone, and bills. Audrey's running around the kitchen island yelling at Maggie with god knows what on her hands. For four years old, she's as destructive as an EF 5 tornado. She smudges the mystery substance on the white kitchen cabinets and newly painted walls. 

"Audrey, knock it off!" Gracie says, capturing her and taking her upstairs to the shower to get her cleaned up. "Nail polish." She tells me, after smelling it on her hands. I nod and return to talk to Gary, who's setting up a performance for me to promote my new album. He's been more than understanding this past year. 

"Okay, sorry, what did you say?" I ask. He sighs. 

"You have a set at the CMA festival this Friday. You have a five song set, two of which will be broadcast on the special in August. I was thinking you could kick it off with Mississippi girl." He says. I nod, while brushing Maggie's hair and putting it in a ponytail. 

"Okay." I say. 

"They also would like a bit of a tribute..." He says. I take a deep breath. 

"Gary-" I start. 

"I know. It's up to you in the end. Just don't over think it. If you want to, then go ahead. If you don't, I'm not going to force you." He says. I sigh and nod. 

"Alright." I say. 

"Are we still on for lunch?" He asks. 

"Sure." I say, rounding up the girls. 

"Alrighty, see you then." 

"See you." I say, then hanging up. "Come on girls, you're going to be late." I already sound exhausted, and it's not even 9 o'clock yet. They run into the car while I collect my things for work. 

I've been looking foreword to lunch with Gary all morning. It will be a time to breathe. We get our usual, and he immediately starts asking questions. 

"How are you?" He asks. 

"Better days." I say, "How are you?" 

"Oh just fine. I'm so glad that you're getting back out there." He says, already bringing up what I don't want to talk about. 

"Yeah, well, me too." I say, trying to close of the conversation. 

"Have you thought about the tribute?" He asks. I shake my head. 

"No, not really." 

"I think it would be a good thing for you to do. You know, a little bit of public closure." He says. He has to be getting some major bonus from this. 

"I just don't want to have an episode. I want to make sure that I'm mentally ready. I'm not so sure I'm ready this year." I say. He nods and bites the inside of his cheek. 

"I understand." He says. I smile at him as the waitress puts down our dishes. "Did you get the charity concert invite I sent you?" He asks. 

"Yeah. Who's charity is it?"

"Beyonce." He answers. "Are you planning to attend?" He asks. 

"Sure." I say, not giving it much thought. 

"So who's your date going to be?" He asks, grinning. A bit of a knot forms in my throat. 

"Me, myself, and I." I say. 

"That's funny. Nice pun by the way." He says. 


"Let me hire an escort or call in a friend." He starts. 

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