My Puppet

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Ayano's Poem (My way of saying whose POV it is)

Blood is red
Bruises are blue
Or I'll kill you

"Eh this will do." I put down my pen and lie down on my bed. "14 Rivals...are those lit. club girls the extra 4." I tthink for a moment. "Nah...they won't make Senpai happy...unlike me." I smile a bit before drifting off to sleep and dream about Senpai.

Monika's Poem

My pen writes my stories
My notebook keeps them secret
My heart tells me no worries
His heart belongs to someone who needs it

I enter a room full of code. "Hmm...this will make life way easier." I start mixing Osana's code with my code "There now I can control what happens to that girl...she'll be my puppet." I analyze the other students codes but find nothing that can help me...for now. "I guess that will be it for today." I exited the room and go to bed.

Info-Chan's Poem

I sell panty shots
I sell schemes
Found a file called "hxppy thxughts"
Everything's NOT what it seems

I start doing my daily routine. Selling panty shots, information, and the usual stuff she does. However something made me change all that.

OsanaFile has been changed

"What! Who is messing up with the files." I open the files and notice extra code on Osana. "Ugh. A virus again...fine I'll fix this." I press backspace but her code stays the same "What the..." Suddenly a file named "hxppy thxughts" fills my screen. "AGHH!!!" I fall of my chair.

New file added "IDon'tThinkSo.txt"

I open the file

I see that you have tried to fix her but you can't and you won't. Why you ask? Well that's for me to know and for you to stay out of.

I close the file and think about the events that have occurred.

*Time skip to next day*

Ayano's Poem (Morning)

Day 2 still no Senpai
One day he'll be mine
I better prep for amai
Everything will be fine

I do my daily routine and arrive at school. "Now to find Osana and kill her while I have time." I rush to the plaza only to find the rainbow six boys and girls, a walking Musume and Senpai. "Wait where is she?" I search the whole school and I still can't find her. "Where is she!?"

Osana's Poem (All rivals will have their POV'S like this)


"I feel so different now." I look in the mirror and see my hair has lost it's signature pigtails. I check the time. "Fine, this will do." I run to school to avoid being late. "7:59 right on time!" I enter the school and everyone looks at me immediately. "Your hair." "It looks so." "AMAZING!" I yell at everyone to leave except for Senpai "Wow Osana! Nice high ponytail. It really brings out your eyes." He gives her a thumbs up. "Pssh whatever, let's go to our classes so we won't be late." We walk to our classes. My plan is working.

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