Our Last Dance

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No One's POV

Osoro Shidesu and Nemesis join the revenants in their fight with upgraded weaponry. Osoro holds a sword, Nemesis holds a stun baton, Natsuki holds nothing but she shows her fighting skills, Sayori holds a rope, Yuri holds a knife and has several knives on her belt, Quill has her sharp claws out and Cassie wears brass knuckles.

Everyone was fighting while Oka, Megami and Mio watched from the skies.

"This is the end for all of you!" Mio flashes a bright light causing Katlein to temporarily lose her sight. When she opens her eyes Cassie hits her with her brass knuckles injuring her left eye.

"You are such a loser!" Unknown to Cassie was the sticky bomb that Kat put on the back of Cassie. When Cassie was far enough Kat detonated the bomb killing Cassie.

Cassie's head rolls towards Kat. Kat steps on it and does a victory pose. "Whose the loser now?"

Meanwhile, Shido and Monika were fighting Yuri who moves like a ninja.

"Monika behind you!" Yuri pops up behind Monika ready stab her but Monika kicks the knife off her hand and a hand came out from the ground.

"Let me go!" The hand crushes Yuri, killing her.

"How did that?" Monika looks at Shido who was drawing everything. He shows her a drawing of Yuri dying to the hand with Monika looking at the drawing.

"Everything I draw becomes a reality." Monika grabs the items and draws a little Kawaii Giraffe keychain.

"Ohh! A Kawaii Giraffe." Monika smiles at Shido.

"I had one when I was a child...I think it came from Yasuki...or is that from another reality?"

Near the lake, Fumi and Natsuki were fighting when a masked machete man kills Natsuki.

"Thank you for the kind gesture sir." Fumi tries to shake his hand only to get pushed to the ground with Jason getting ready to kill her when John came to her rescue by tearing off Jason's head and throwing it in the lake.

"You alright?" Fumi grabs onto John's hand and stands up.

"I'm fine thank you." Fumi and John fly towards Oka, Mio and Megami.

Osoro and Nemesis immediately go after the yandere's with determination to kill them.




The yandere's were too weak and were about to die until Yuno grabbed the stun baton and connected it to Osoro.


Osoro goes into a coma while Nemesis jabs the baton through Yuno's chest.


With little strength she has left, Ayano gets up and stabs Nemesis in the neck before she passes out due to exhaustion.

John and Fumi confront Mio, Megami and Oka.

"Hey we-"

"No talk just DEATH,"

Oka slashes Fumi's Jetpack and Fumi falls only to join Monika, Kat and Shido on their magic carpet.

"Let's try this again, we-"

One of Oka's demon hands try to slash the succubus but it misses and John kicks Oka's face, which turns her head 360*

"Uewegh." Shido tries not to puke at the sight of the head.

Oka's head slowly starts to turn around again.

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