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Nemesis, Undyne and Yuno's Poem

A hitman in another gamemode
A fish hybrid with a spear
Another death, Another episode
We are ones who bring fear

Monika stands in front of them with a smile on your face. "Now for your main objective, kill Ayano Aishi and Info-Chan." Yuno pouts. "And why should we help you out anyway." Monika chuckles. "Because I can give you anything you want. Now tell me what do you desire?" Yuno raises her hand. "I want to be with Yukki FOREVER." Seriously. "I want a new set of armor...Oh! Make it gold Hahaha." The fish wants armor...ok then. Monika looks at Nemesis. "And what do you want?" Nemesis looks at Monika straight in her eyes. "I just want a normal life. To be...happy." Monika began to feel sorry for Nemesis until Megami shouted. "NOW KILL AYANO AISHI!"

MC's Poem


MC goes to the Literature Club to see the three girls waiting. "Hey have you seen Monika?" Says Natsuki. "No, but listen you have to come with me." Says MC. "Why what's the matter?" Says Yuri. "No time to explain. Now GO!" MC rushes the girls. "Yay! Adventure!"

MC bring the girls to the meme closet. "Here hold this Letter C." The girls touch the C and a glow radiates around them and they pull out 3 girls. Natsuki pulls out Cassie. Sayori pulls out Mio. Yuri pulls out Quill. "Hey what's the big idea!" Cassie shouts at MC and Natsuki. "Rou porued us ort of ohr geem." Said an ice-cream eating Mio. "Well, at least I'm not living in a box." All three DDLC girls look at them. "Wait are they supposed to" MC nods. "Yes, we need all the help we can get so Info-Chan was able to make the Letter C a portal to where we are." The three CC girls look at their supposed counterparts. "So..." "You are..." "JUST LIKE ME!" Mio and Sayori say at the same time and hug. "Well what a cute small fry. Heck, you're as straight as one." Natsuki retorts. "Sorry lady but I ain't no mirror so you can leave before I make you." Cassie and Natsuki argue. Yuri and Quill converse about their lives and drink tea.

Akane's Poem

A ditzy ginger girl, that's what she thinks
So nice that she can't hurt a fly
She doesn't know my bag of tricks
Tricks that will make her DIE

Akane stands in the Student Council room and begins to have a flashback.


Akane was taught to be good to others despite what others do to her. They would bully her, tease her, call her names, and embarrass her. She avoided crying and just smiled to hide all her pain. She had a friend though and that made her happy. She had Shiromi. Shiromi was always there for her. When they would bully her, Shiromi would barge in and give them a look. A look that terrified everyone, even the teachers. Akane would always thank her even if Shiromi would say she doesn't have to. A few years later she became part of the Student Council with her only true friend. She became happier since she felt like she had a friendship circle...but she was wrong. One day while returning to the Student Council room, she over heard Megami talking behind her back. So many things were flowing in her mind. Anger. Frustration. Betrayal. And many more. She finally broke and wanted to kill Megami. She planned to kill her only to hear that Ayano Aishi was planning to kill her. She helped Ayano by giving her access to everything that she can give authorization to, and it worked Megami was dead and everything felt better...until she woke up in the Student Council room and saw Megami.


"She broke me. Pushed me to my limit. She. Has. To. Die." Akane calms herself down afterwards and begins her normal routine.

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