When Reality Strikes

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Monika's Poem

Ever since that talk with Fun Girl
It made me think of my decision
Is this right? Or is this wrong?
I know what to do now

I opened the door to the Literature Club to find Yuri drinking tea while reading a book.

"Hey Yuri, I need help with something." Yuri looks up from her book and looks at me. "What is it?"

I tell her about my experience with Fun Girl. At first she was saying how ridiculous it sounded however she told me that she experienced some type of magic when she held a C at the meme closet.

"We should go there right now so I can show you what I mean." We go to the closet to find Sayori petting a cat with a box head and Natsuki wearing a pink mustache and "THAT DUDE" sunglasses.

"Hey you decided to find us" The cat meows which distracts Sayori.

"Here's the C." Yuri hands me the letter and it starts glowing then a flash of light comes out.

"I sense that I am in a different timeline...probably 201X." A very tall girl appears before us. Everyone is shocked except for Sayori who introduces herself.

"Hi! I'm Sayori!" She lends out her hand. The futuristic woman takes her hand and shakes Sayori's.

"Fumi. Librarian and Assassin." Her bracket starts beeping and a hologram appears. The hologram is a girl who sings her words.

"Hey, hey you are in a video game called Yandere Simulator." The hologram waves at us before disappearing.

"That was Alpha. A songaloid and one of my closest friends." We nod at her.

"So Monika, you can summon her because of your expertise in coding." "Plus you are very smart." I smile at their compliments.

"I never really found myself to be any of those but it came from you guys, so yeah, I guess I am." Fumi puts her hand on my shoulder.

"You're not just a guinea pig. You're better than that." Fumi smiles at me and I smile at her. She's right I am better than that.

Megami's POV

I grab my phone and contact Monika.



"Monika get back here right now!"

I wait for her response.


"I'm done."

Done what does she mean by done?

"What do you mean by "done"?"

"I don't want to help you ruin someone's life anymore!"

She hangs up and I slam the phone on my desk waking up Nemesis.

"What happened?" Nemesis looks at me with her sleepy eyes.

"I have a job for you." I tell Nemesis to eliminate Monika and Ayano.

"What's in it for me?" Megami opens her laptop and shows Nemesis the stocks of Saikou Corp.

"You get 5% of it." 5% of it being ¥ 50,000,000,000,000,000

"Are you sure that you want me to kill just 2 people?" I nod and Nemesis goes out the door to find her targets.

Shido's Poem

Reminder to self never trust Jaycee
Thanks to her I feel dizzy
All that floating made me thirsty
I wonder if they have pepsi?

John left to wash his hands from his sister's saliva. Ewww.

"Hey wanna do something fun?" For some reason I said yes even if I wanted to say no.

Jaycee moved her hands and we started to float.

"Hey! Put me down!" Katlein must be scared of heights or she just hates Jaycee in general.

"Haha no can do honey, we are having fun." Jaycee joins us in floating.

Mio doesn't seem to mind floating. Quill tries to get her cat back. Cassie just gets on her phone. Yuno fixes her skirt every few seconds.

We were floating until John arrived with someone. They were arguing again.

"Unm what just happened?" We look at who said that and see a tall female and the DDLC Girls and Monika.

I feel my cheeks turn red and Kat checks on me. "I'm fine."

"According to my scanner the twins are a succubus and an incubus." This lady must have some futuristic technology since she wears a unique body suit.

"Fumi!" Mio runs to her and hugs her. "Hello to you as well Mio." Fumi peta her head while having no emotions on her face.

"Oh did you finish my holographic cat?" Fumi gives Quill a ball and when she opens it a cat comes out but no one can touch it.

"So what about my gif bot?" Fumi grabs something behind her and gives it to Cassie.

"It only works if you say "gif" woth a hard "g" like the word "graphic". Failure to do so will result in termination." Hearing the word termination freaks me out so I ran before Cassie can say the word "gif".

"Hey WHERE ARE YOU GOING!" Mio shouts at me before I can answer I ran into Monika and we both fall on the floor.

"Uhh I'm so so so sorry. I-I didn't mean to hit you, I was running a-and-" "hey it's ok accidents happen." I get up and she grabs my hand and I feel an emotion I never felt before and my cheeks burn up.

"So where were you going anyway?" Monika asks me while fixing her uniform.

"I was going to look for a soda machine and get a pepsi."

(Just pretend that soda machines exist.)

"Well I'm a bit tired so why don't we get some. Shall we?" She lends me her hand and we walk holding hands. Why are you doing this to meeee?!

(It's story development Shido get over it)

We reach the soda machine and just my luck. Pepsi is out of stock.

I drop on my knees and when I look up I see Monika handing me a pepsi. Wait a pepsi?!

"Didn't t-the m-machine say o-out of stock?!" I was too shocked to talk straight.

"I have my ways." And she winks at me. I am probably a tomato by now.

Mio's Poem

How dare she!
He's Mine!
No one deserves him more than me.
He doesn't have a choice

I stalk them and I felt a pang on my heart.


I felt like something awakened inside me. Something that will make him mine.

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