And Then There Were 7

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Monika's POV

I was at a cliff still mad at Fumi for insulting Ayano.

She's like Megami...treats people like trash unless they meet her standards.

I grabbed a rock and threw it behind me.


I look behind me to see Shido, Kat and John.

"What are you guys doing here?" Shido rubs his head since the rock hit his head.

"We were looking for you, duh." Kat puts her hand on her hip signaling her annoyance and lack of sleep.

"Akane found out that you were not sleeping so she sent us to find you." They sit beside me.

"Why are you here anyway?" Shido asked.

"I just needed to go somewhere because I'm so mad at Fumi for insulting Ayano...I was the same until I knew the truth about her...she was her because it runs in her family...I can tell that she isn't like them because I can sense something in her...she can change." The three look at me with confusion.

"So her family consists of Yanderes?"


"And she can change?"


"And everyone can be happy without killing people?"


Ever since I helped her kill Osana she avoided killing unless it's necessary. But now, she's a normal student in my eyes. It wasn't her fault that she chose to kill everyone in her first run...she didn't have a choice.

"Hey doesn't this place look familiar to you?" Isn't that Cassie's voice?

"Yeah this is where mellow takes us on dates." That's the voice of Mio.

"I like the moonlight." And Quill's Voice.

Kat runs towards the Crush Crush Girls.

"Glad you could join us." Kat welcomes the trio and brings them to us.

"Beautiful isn't it?" We were all looking at the moon. It was a full moon and we started howling like wolves and laughing until Natsuki and Yuri ran up to us.

"Hey what's wrong? And where's Sayori?" Nat and Yuri were panting probably from running.

"She-She's dead." Natsuki was crying and coughing.

"She h-hung herself." Yuri was doing the same.

I felt my heart break at the thought of one of my friends dying...and I did it before.

We all went back to camp to see the councilors and some students looking at Sayori on a noose.

How could this happen...I never altered her code...she wouldn't do anything like this.

Everyone cried themselves to sleep except for me who stayed awake.

Who did this?

Fumi's POV

"Is that enough for you to accept my demands in exchange for execution?" Megami looks at me with a mix of "OMG WHY DID YOU DO THAT!" and "Yes you can be an ally.

"Fine as long as I get to choose who dies." I smile at her and shake her hand.

"Deal." Megami gives me a list of people she want me to delete/kill.

Megami leaves and I go back to finding the girls files.


I attempt to alter her file but I was unable to.

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