Doki Doki Student Council (Non-Canon)

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Kuroko got kicked out of the Student Council by the new president Monika. "That's what happens when your too sophisticated." Said Monika. "You're no fun at all." Said a pouting Sayori. "Manga is my life...HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY LOVE FOR IT." Said a crying Natsuki. "I'm sorry but hurting Natsuki is too far and besides sometimes you have to open up to people." Said MC. "True, you know me very well but it's a 4-1 vote so...sorry." Said Yuri while she closes the door.

While walking she bumps into Aoi. "Watch it!" Kuroko shows no fear. "I'm sorry. Luck isn't on my side today." Aoi's face changes from angry to sad. She brings Kuroko to a classroom and aligns the chairs to face each other. "Okay what's bothering you?" Despite being a brute, Kuroko finds Aoi a friend as she listens to her and understands the feeling of being alone. "I got kicked from the Student Council for having too much control." Aoi now has a shocked expression on her face. "Maybe you can join a different our club." Now Kuroko has a shocked expression on her face. Aoi never really joined any club after Budo Masuta beat her to become the new president of the Martial Arts Club. "You have a club? What is it?" Aoi smirks. "Let me show you."

Aoi runs with Kuroko behind her. "Ta-Da" Aoi opens the door to be greeted by Akane who waves at Kuroko. "Welcome to the Literature Club." Kuroko walks in to see Megami and Shiromi having a conversation. "I didn't know that you read." Aoi looks at her and laughs. Kuroko is then approached by Megami and Shiromi. "She only reads books that have pictures in them" Said Megami. "Hey! Watch your mouth Saikou!" Shiromi looks at Aoi. "What it's true." Aoi gives both a death stare. "Grrr whatever just introduce yourselves." Akane walks up to Kuroko. "Hi I'm Akane! I like to read books that make me happy." Shiromi is next. "Hi I'm Shiromi. I like reading books of any genre." Aoi interrupts. "Then join the Occult Club." Shiromi laughs. Next is Megami. "Hi I'm Megami. I like reading books of murder and mystery because I know that it will help me in the near future." Kuroko scans Megami for any sign of sarcasm but finds nothing but the truth. "...And you know me Aoi! Now introduce yourself to us!" Kuroko goes to the front of the classroom. "Hi I'm Shiromi and I was kicked out of the Student Council." Everyone except Aoi become wide-eyed. " kicked out of the Student Council." Said Megami who was also kicked out last year. "Oh my! You were kicked out?" Said Akane who was shocked as she quit the Council last year after Megami due to being "too fake". "I thought you just quit like Akane here." Said Shiromi who just stopped appearing on council meetings when the previous two left. "But she is welcome here in the Literature Club. Right girls!" Aoi and Kuroko look at the others. "Yeah!" Said Akane. "Of course" said Megami. Shiromi just nods.

"Well it's official...WELCOME TO THE LITERATURE CLUB!"

D-DLC: RivalsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang