Let's Talk...

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So as you know there are scenes in D-DLC: Rivals that are a bit...unique?

But anyways, those "scenes" are part of the storyline and that one chapter (You know which one) is just an added bonus which is NOT related to the storyline.

I try to keep it PG but...it's not me.

That's All and btw...

D-DLC: Dreamy Nightmare IS OUT!!! It has been for awhile now and...it's just a filler story so don't expect too much. Also, the REAL 2nd Book will feature more characters you might not know unless you're me. (They are from an anime I really like and it just got a reboot and...tmi John tmi)

Hopefully you'll like it like D-DLC: Rivals.

That's All!


Remember The Crossover Games? No? I don't blame you. It's a book where characters from games and anime fight one another battle royale style and Season 2 is coming soon. (Why does this sound like Fortnite?) Everything will change soon.

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