Taking a Break? (Non-Canon)

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My Poem

Things were going great
I was happy
I am thankful for people that read this book
I am thankful for putting this in their reading lists
I read their stories too
But I never expected someone to blame me
To throw shade at me for my book to be read by many
And the shader's book to have minimal reads
To make a chapter that delivers a low blow to my creation
Sure I only have like 500+ words per chapter
But that's my limit to make story development happen
Even with those 500+ words I put everything into it
There are days when I think of the path this can take
Eliminating every rival is difficult
So you think that this is easy
You can't just kill someone in one chapter and kill another on in the same one
That just messes everything up

About me taking a break:
Anyway I'm taking a break just to refresh and plan a new elimination method
It doesn't exist in YanSim and DDLC (NO DELETING BY MONIKA)
Also new characters and fan favorites make an appearance
I just need time to fix some things in my life then continue
I hope you understand

And I thank you for following the development of my book (see what I did there)

D-DLC: RivalsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora